Friday, March 11, 2011

A Swot Analysis Foa Hairdressing Salon

parts of the world would be approaching the Earth

Beyond that believe it or not, a planet, which is attached to the system solar, and apparently the December 21, 2012, it will crash squarely against us or be our transport to a new form of consciousness, and even make your way through our orbit, we harmonize, first causing a massive ; extinction due to the reaction between the magnetic fields between the Earth and Nibiru, causing great catastrophes of biblical figures (floods, tsunamis, volcanoes, earthquakes, etc.).

There are hundreds of forums, which discusses the effects caused Nibiru (or Hercobulus, or Wormwood or Planet X) and collecting all that information and estimates, many believe this to be a step in conjunction with the land.

astronomers refuse to acknowledge the existence of Nibiru, and telescopes, you can not make out.

The recalculation and compilation of data sheds precise dates for the transit of this mysterious planet for "our neighborhood."

For many, this test is the phenomenon of the two Suns seen in China (see here )

More precisely, would by our elliptical on March 15, 2011, a road that began on March 4 this year.

But ... What will happen on 15/03/2011?. Basically, a lot of geomagnetic phenomena, earthquakes, near Ecuador's northern lights, and a handful more magnetic effects not all so beautiful as seeing the northern lights, close to home.

Known as the "black star", Nibiru would be going through this March 15 the ecliptic of our planet and causing severe geomagnetic disturbances

These dates coincide with the writings of the Sumerians, analyzed by Zecharia Sitchin and deeply involving dates and prophecies of the Hopi Indians.

below the timeline with the most significant events surrounding the alleged "arrival" of Nibiru to the Earth's elliptical:

Nibiru February 20 positioned between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

March 4 Nibiru begins to cross the ecliptic plane of our planet causing geomagnetic dramatic symptoms.

Saturn March 15, Nibiru, Earth, the sun, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus are aligned the fact that Hopi cosmology called as the first conjunction.

June 1927 Nibiru crosses the orbit of Mars.

Aug 3 Nibiru crosses the orbit of the Earth.

Aug 21 Nibiru crosses the orbit of Venus.

Nibiru September 19 reaches a position halfway between Earth and sun.

September 26 Nibiru passes between the Earth and the sun to generate the second combination of the Hopi legend and intensify the changes.

October 17 Nibiru arrives at the location closest to the Earth.

November 22 Nibiru Alignment between the Earth and the sun, the third combination.



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