Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Gujarati Wedding Choli

predicted the catastrophe of Japan

Some called it "El Nostradamus Argentino", but, undoubtedly, Benjamin Solari Parravicini (see here), in many ways it was more accurate than the prophet ; French.

A psychographics of Benjamin Solari Parravicini dating from 1939, seems to have predicted the earthquake that shook the week Japan passed, with the terrible consequences that this brought about.

The drawing, published in the book "Prophecies unpublished BSP late" by Pedro Romaniuk (Ed. Larin, 2007), figures appear geographically positioned at the epicenter of the earthquake that devastated northern Japan with a phrase "deafening noise noise heights. The F bomb."

Speculation on the chart suggest that the "F bomb" could make reference both to nuclear fusion, as it is suspected that broke out in the reactors at the Fukushima nuclear plant or the name of the city matter where the reactors.

predictions of the "Nostradamus of America" \u200b\u200b(Parravicini) have been fulfilled with relative certainty and numerous books have been published on more than one thousand drawings premonitory. Among his prophecies, Parravicini announced the six-day war between Israel and its neighbors, Franco's ascension to power in Spain, the space race between USA and Russia until Argentina's economic crisis of 2001, ensuring that it would be an experiment which is then carried out in the world.

Source: http://www.urgente24.com/noticias/val/5407-126/terremoto-en-japon-haarp-y-las-profecias- de-parravicini.html


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