Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New Ice Skater Foot Pain

John Burke:

One of the best kept secret by the Vatican, is the travel time of a clergyman named John Burke.

John Burke, X century English clergyman, who lived not reveal anything as to avoid being taken as a witch, I write his prophecies and keep it until the day of his death. Then his heirs were sent to the Pope, religious leaders jealously guarded texts.

In the year 1 106, while praying in the cloister was transported to another place, I make a trip back in time to the year 2 315, was among the inhabitants of the Earth, but they did not realize of their presence. John Burke drafted the following:

"These people come to live to 145 years and enjoy excellent health. In every newborn child gives you a miracle substance that prevents any disease that may have in the future. They call this immunization.

Apparently, before this time, there diseases and ailments of various types, but three are particularly deadly. One is the cancer, the other two is unknown to me and they call Zantus AIDS. The latter appears on earth in the early twenty-first century and is responsible for the deaths of millions of people. I do not know what time it is a remedy against these pests, but rather later, with immunization is all settled. " It also

his first trip into the future was very rewarding and not know why strange reason during 7 days to travel back in time.



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