Monday, March 7, 2011

How Long After Giving Birth Can You Wear Jeans

"Two Suns in China? Image of Jesus Christ

Recently, we published a note (see here), where in a photograph taken in China, could be 3 suns. The image generated many questions and apparently it was a reflection in a window, although this was not confirmed.

A few weeks after announcement of the possible outbreak of the star Betelgeuse (see here) a new phenomenon occurred in China, which this time have not been able to find many explanations.

A strange celestial phenomenon occurred in China recently. The sun seemed to branch and generate two bodies, two suns, which were collected simultaneously by hundreds of witnesses.

The show was documented in both video and pictures and so far, although some experts dismiss this could be a computer animation, have not been able to coin an explanation for such a singular event.

Interestingly the phenomenon is recorded weeks after the announcement of the likely explosion of the star Betelgeuse, an event that could create the illusion that two suns on the horizon coexist.

The Life's Little Mysteries site owned by, questioned Jim Kael, an astronomer at the University of Illinois, on images captured in China. "I doubt that it is a computer modeling.
must be some kind of atmospheric modulation produced this truly spectacular phenomenon, which in a sense is a mirage (optical phenomenon or illusion).

Source: -China-photo-video /


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