Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hardware For Hanging A Bare Mirror

Space Agency India, discovered caves on the moon

not long ago, all the important discoveries related with the space came from NASA.

But in recent times the situation has changed not only the U.S. Space Agency budget has been eroded significantly, and nearly completed the operation of its space shuttles, but countries two decades ago did not have a "tradition" major aerospace missions have been tuned very interesting.

An example of this is Japan or India, countries with space technology has allowed them to send robots to orbit the moon. Gradually the space-related news ceased to be exclusive of NASA.

a couple of years ago the Japanese space agency JAXA announced the discovery of a hole in the surface Moon's big enough to house a permanent operating base. And now, India has just discovered something more interesting.

Indeed, India Space Agency has announced the discovery of a huge cave on the moon. It is a cave that is about 1700 meters long by two hundred wide, and is located near the Ecuador of the Moon, in an area known as Oceanus Procellarum. The hole discovered by JAXA in 2009 was, by comparison, much less important because it was a hole in the area average about a 65 by 88 meters.

The discovery was made by the instruments installed aboard the Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft, launched into space in October 2008. The probe stopped working about 11 months after reaching the lunar orbit, but its instruments designed to produce images in visible, near infrared and X-rays produced a full three-dimensional map of the topography of the moon . Analyzing these data, the Indian scientists found this gigantic underground chamber.

The Indian researchers have extensively documented the find. They have also explicitly raised the possibility of using this natural formation as part of a human colony on the moon, as inside would be safe from radiation, impact micrometeors and extreme temperature variations.

According to the Indians in the interior of the cave the temperature "varies only about 130 degrees Celsius during the day, while outside this variation is about 180 degrees." Using a natural formation like this would prevent us having to carry to the Moon the materials needed to assemble a "dome" artificial from scratch. Take this cave means that the amount of work required to settle on the moon will be much less, but we should not believe that tomorrow will be there. Despite progress in the private sector in these countries, we are still far from having a "transportation" to take us to the moon.



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