Friday, March 18, 2011

Candy Centerpieces Ideas

The Superluna can affect the Earth

March 19 The moon will be in perigee, closest to the Earth in the last 18 years, specifically to 356,578 miles.

From anywhere in the world can see at a glance a full moon that seem to grow and astronomers have been called "Super Moon."

The last "super Lunas" occurred in 1955 , 1974, 1992 and 2005. In 2005 the earthquake and tsunami that devastated Indonesia. Hurricane Katrina that devastated New Orleans took place ten days after the August Moon Super same year.

What do the astronomers?

The American astronomer Richard Nolle, operator of the website, calling it a "Super Extreme Moon" and is convinced that the earthquake in Japan this March 11, is directly related to it, also predicting major storms , earthquakes and major volcanic eruptions during the remainder of the year as a result of this lunar phenomenon.

Astronomy is not an exact science and as such lends itself to multiple interpretations, so naturally other astronomers and scientists disagree in part or in whole theories targeted by Nolle.

seismologist John Vidale, University of Washington in Seattle says, " Both the Sun and Moon exert a slight tension on Earth, and if you look closely you can see a slight increase in tectonic activity when both are aligned. Indeed, during new and full moons you can see a 1% increase in seismic activity, and a slightly higher activity in the volcanoes . "

scientific collaborator Vladimir surdina Shternberg Astronomical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, also believes that there is no reason to expect anything beyond a slight increase in the rise of the tide and although it is possible seismic activity increased from 19 March, does not believe that major disasters can occur.

Other Voices, scientific or not, speculate about whether there will be significant weather events in the months after this "super Luna Extreme." Some even mention the Mayan calendar and its apocalyptic predictions for December 2012.

Despite all this, we must not forget that you're producing a geomagnetic storm as a result of two large solar flares occurred, one on February 15 and again on 9 March, which has been considered in some forums, the possibility the earthquake in Japan has been led by this concatenation of astrophysical phenomena.

The truth is that this 19 March, a beautiful moon shining in the sky, being admired and photographed throughout the length and breadth of this our world that we care more if we want future generations can continue enjoying it.

Source: -and-effect-a43956


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