Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Pancreatic Cancer Stage 4b Life Expectancy

Devoto (Argentina)

Mary T. awoke with a start this morning with the sound of a door opening. Terrified found he could not move, all his muscles were paralyzed, he could not scream, no sound came from her throat.

And with all his might wanted to run and shout, to avert what, threatening, watched from the left side of his bed, too close and too consistent. Real.

figure was small as 80 centimeters tall, completely wrapped in a bright green fluorescent light. Despite the fear and paralysis, the eyes of Mary T. could move and his mind was fresh and alert. Could see that being, that thing had a huge head with large dark eyes that almost completely occupied.

The body was very small, I could see his little arms and hands, all wrapped in the same green glow. But those hands were not five fingers. That being, that thing did not seem human.
In a few moments, the phosphorescent creature moved and disappeared through the window like a fleeting ray of light dematerialized. The window had closed down the shutters and glass, and also the iron bars protecting.

East is not the subject of a fairy tale or a nightmare, though it may seem. This is happening.

The stories are happening all over the world and here in our country. This just described occurred in the city of Buenos Aires, in the neighborhood of Villa Devoto in March 1990. Nor is it an isolated case, since from 1990 to mid 1992, we had access to the investigation of the above twelve cases with the same characteristics that were recorded in the same area within a radius of 10 blocks.

is noteworthy that the protagonists of these "night visits" do not know each other, but describe with accuracy the same experience, the same being and also present in their bodies, in some cases as the only physical evidence, the same brands.

But we split. At our desk, began to arrive from abroad similar research from 1985.

That first time gave little credence to these experiences, until his succession became older and began to arise also in Argentina.

often repeated visits over the protagonist's life and getting more in their memories, the first experience is recorded in childhood.

turn now to the specific case of Mary T. At that time, 1990, had 54 years of age. A highly educated woman, Mary T., is dentist, serving as Chief of Dentistry at a major medical institute of Buenos Aires and is also a concert pianist and painter.

Following that episode with the disappearance of the light, the room was dark, he regained movement and saw his dog Bethlehem, despite being awake, he looked stunned.
Asked by subsequent conduct of the animal, who always slept in the room with her, told us that remained lethargic and refused to return to the place.

Anyway, Mary T., tried not to give more importance to the experience and try to ignore.

However, a few months later, in September of 1990, the visit was repeated. That night feel that someone play on the neck and open eyes, again note the paralyzing stiffness that prevents you from moving a muscle. At the same time heard a voice issuing an unintelligible guttural sound.

Beside him was the same gesturing phosphorescent emitting those sounds. It was all light and can only feel its large black eyes with red flashes and a linear face when moving across the bottom of this face from side to side. He felt the skin of the creature was rough, harsh and hot, and touching first in the neck and then in the arm, burned. Within

of seconds, retrieve and control the movement of your body. When he can sit up, the baby moves his hand before his eyes, like levitating, without touching the ground, disappearing through the window closed.

The lady in question can not go back to sleep, rises when the glow disappears and there in her window uncovers proof of your visit. In the shade, had a noticeable burn area of \u200b\u200b80 cm, showing a brown tan, almost in the center of the window, and right on the cloth about 50 inches from the bottom edge of the canvas white.

In the following days, a fern that was on the TV next to the window, it was dry, without you got anything from him.

But also, Mary T., noted after that time, a mark behind his right ear cut-like 1 centimeter long, which is still very noticeable because they are not toasted in the sun. To this day remains frightened and fearful.

experiences in a family

One afternoon in February 1992, a gentleman came to our school to inform us about your experience.

was 66 at the time, showing a caring attitude, which is accented with pure white hair and a penetrating gaze. Damien Franco

descended from Italian parents like her wife Rosa. They have three children: Laura, Sebastian and Analía, all married.

One January night, very warm, awoke by a noise, with amazement, saw that at the foot of her bed, shining a figure like 80 inches tall. His big head with huge dark eyes and was most visible as the intense glow emitted could not see much more.

was also said to be asleep, blinking, and turned to see the luminous figure turned and walked out the door from moving toward the dining room of the house.

Beside the bed, his wife asleep. Don Damián

got up and ran the figure, or rather, to the shining path which crossed the room and the room occupied by his daughters when they were single.

had disappeared. Reviewed the department, but everything was in order and not knowing what to think about their experience, went back to bed and put on hold.

Maybe someday I would know.

Approximately 30 days later, on a February night, wake up to hear his name. There it was again at the foot of his bed, the same figure light, flashing his bright purple color ominous and his eyes fixed on him.

able to incorporate his head just as it was paralyzed. Realized that there was definitely a dream. There lake there and watched him, had arms, lean, but defined, a very small body, is disproportionate to its enormous head. This time not close her eyes and looked at it carefully.

was not human, more like a large insect. I felt no fear, only wonder at something as unusual as what I was seeing.

a few seconds, the creature turned and went, as before, disappearing from sight.

This last visit had taken place two days before Don Damien closer to our home. Given the recency of the event and having investigated similar phenomena in the same area, expand our research request "in situ".

was how we were allowed entry to the house of Franco, a family that boasts uniquely name the label of this course.

It was also the first step in understanding a number of facts that we were privileged observers.

interviewed his eldest daughter Laura, then 41, said we have found blood stains on his bed, at the height of his back, which is also evidenced in her nightgown. Her husband, remembers awakened one morning when an intense blue light coming through the window flooding the room; Laura was sleeping soundly and he inexplicably went back to sleep without understanding the present day, why not get up to investigate what happened, because the window looked out on your patio, from which came the light.

When he awoke, he saw his wife's back with blood stains such as scratches and marks on the skin.

Laura has no conscious memory of what might have happened, did not feel any pain, although the marks persisted for some time.

At that time, lived near the home of his parents in the same neighborhood.

What always caught his attention, is a scar tissue that occurs in right leg in a circular, which appeared without knowing how his thirty-two years. The scar has three millimeters in diameter. The edges are jagged, as if she had undergone removal of tissue with a punch.

dermatology Knowing, knows that a keloid is the result of abnormal healing after an incision. It's almost impossible not to remember having been a wound of this kind in the area where you are. Although it is much more difficult than a cut deep enough to produce a keloid scars overnight.

view the stories and the existence of marks on the body of Laura, questioned separately to the two members of this marriage in search of other common patterns of the institutions visited or abducted by strangers. Both

remember as a child a strange presence in the bedroom. Awakening hearing his name and seeing lights in the room.

In both, presents a ringing in one ear for a few seconds to prevent the hearing.

Both have experienced the same phenomenon endocrine, which consists of large amounts of urine at night, forcing them to interrupt their rest between seven and ten times.

also found a curious event, Laura's blood differs from that of their parents.

That is, there is blood or his father or his mother. Of course, caught our attention and added other interests in the research task. Gathered

all members of the family one evening, recalled an episode experienced in the summer of 1966 and starring Analía, which at that time was only three years old.

lived in a villa on the west side of Greater Buenos Aires, at the time. Laura and Analía occupied the room whose window faced the street, short garden and close by. Front, lay a closed forest of abandoned property.

"It was very hot (Laura account) and the window was raised the shutter button halfway and the windows open. Analía woke me, crying on her knees in the armchair under the window. "

immediately ran to the room parents of girls, trying to calm the little ones.

Analía, had awakened and every night without starts, but he saw lights coming through the window reflected on the wall.

"They were red, yellow and blue (remember Analía). I went to the window and got on my armchair to see outside. There were three circular-shaped apparatus, one very low, just outside the window, which issued the lights inside the room. The other two more floating above, at the height of the treetops. The lights swirled and were very bright, the devices made no sound. I stood there watching them and suddenly disappeared. Then I think I got scared and began to mourn and cry. "

Our friendship with the family has grown stronger over the years, we have visited often and delved into their experiences.

So, slowly we were able to establish that the views of this strange being of light began to Don Damian five years.

But apparently, there were others that our protagonist can not remember.
We found one morning that his bed was stained with spots of blood to the hips.

Immediately, we recall that a few days before another of our witnesses, Hebe (his case is set out in the next chapter), he appeared with a clear mark on the right hip.

Rosa, Damien's wife had not seen the spots, we found ourselves before it fix the bedroom.

In September 1996, the visitor comes back so far seen.

Tonight, Damien clearly had the mental image of a barren, lifeless, who saw the creature as she looked bright.

The protagonist thinks that was a telepathic message sent by being.

At the time of writing this book, one of his granddaughters, Florence, 11, has started to have this type of nocturnal experiences and conscientiously.

She awoke one night to feel like someone squeezed his arm and took away the sheets that covered. With horror, he saw a "doll" big head, no hair and piercing eyes, stood beside her in bed. The room was brightly lit. Only when the light went out, he felt free and screamed.

The story of Florence, which was referred to us by herself, without being present their parents or grandparents, is leading us to the conclusion that the phenomenon affects the whole family.

A diabolical presence

In this case we met through the protagonist's mother.

Elizabeth R., and her husband (both 32 years old) were witnesses to the event when one night, shortly after going to bed (May 1992), experience both a noise and see a small being as described in previous cases, fluorescent, which looks from the foot of the bed. The geographic location of the house of this marriage is just 100 meters from the Franco family house and 300 meters from the house of Mary T.

Marriage is deeply religious, practicing Catholics, when being weird makes its appearance in the bedroom, they begin to pray, and moments after being away without them (as explained by Elizabeth's mother) can explain.

In the couple days ago to bless the house by a Catholic priest. The belief is that the couple that night had been a "visit" of Satan or one of his henchmen, such was his deep impression.

Repeatedly we wanted to interview the players being systematically rejected, in which case "religious belief excluded UFO research." It is not the first time we introduce ourselves as going to the UFO researchers or paranormal activity, we give the stranger "Privilege" of having to do with witchcraft or satanic things. On the other hand we noting that magical thinking is still prevalent on the research, is still more "normal" belief in the appearance of an angel or a devil (which are ancestral figures and easily recognizable by our subconscious) that a little boy be and stubborn, but it often leave physical evidence.
The fact that the figure disappears and is curious, but remember a case in the U.S., where the victim repeatedly recommended to other players of similar events, to pray or recite a mantra at the time of the onset of beings, because that would prevent them from carrying them out their plans. We recognize that to a believer, pray or use another method of "infinite connection" can trigger subconscious devices that somehow negate the perception.

In this case we are talking about a man and a woman who simultaneously see a shape defined in detail.

hallucination Can be combined with such coincidences? Is there a psychological process that explains it successfully? We have not had satisfactory answers.

The case of Sandra and Sergio

This case we will refer to below, occurred in July 1992, a few blocks the former and is also starring a marriage in this case by Sandra (27 years) and Sergio A. (26 years).

That night, shortly after retiring and now with the dark room, both feel they are seen and viewed through a window that faces an inner courtyard (they were on the ground floor) something that surprises them.

Here accounts differ, as Sandra shows a small creature that seemed to float, while her husband claims to have seen only a luminous sphere. After a while the light fades and Sergio gets up walking to the window to continue watching, but without success.

As stated by Sandra his upstairs neighbor was frightened that night to see a bright area indoors, this last detail we have been able to confirm personally.

This case is extremely interesting connotations as Sandra, at the time of this experience, I had a fibroid that was causing some concern. Some time after this experience, her "dream" that a be small, with an enormous head enters your room, paralyzed and proceeds to introduce a long needle into one of her ovaries, the pain is so unbearable that she wakes up terrified.

time later discovers she is pregnant, an ultrasound and was surprised because the fibroid had disappeared complete.

is not the first time I visited improve their health or disability suffered after the visits. Today Sandra and Sergio have moved to Greater Buenos Aires, where Sandra had her new child.

Source: THE FIRE OF THE DRAGON - UFOlogy MONTHLY BULLETIN - No. 24 - August 2000


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