Thursday, March 10, 2011

How To Bleed Sprinklers

contacted air traffic controllers in Russia

Air traffic controllers Siberia, Russia, say were contacted by aliens in a UFO traveling at high speed.

(The UFO appears in the bottom right, white)

Witnesses said the alien looked like a female voice that spoke an incomprehensible language, similar to cats.

This inevitably makes us decide to race-cats who contact from a solar system in the sixth dimension of the star Sirius, the inhabitants and visitors to the ranch ECETI (see here )

The object could be detected by the drivers and was on the screen of the UFO movement in the remote region of Yakutsk diamond.

According to the apparatus, the UFO was flying at about 6,000 miles per hour (about 9.656 km / h), changing direction at high speed into the dawn sky at 19.800 meters high and seemed to interfere with aviation frequencies.

on video monitor air traffic controller sought contact with the UFO. The object is seen moving swiftly through the sky around the aircraft that went far more slowly.

" heard a female voice, as if to say" meow meow "all the time " said the pilot of an Aeroflot flight.

The driver said his communication with the plane Russia was interrupted by the interference of the UFO. The UFO monitor automatically assigned the number "00000", because he had no flight number.

The video was posted last month, as reported by the major British newspapers today, though it is unclear what is the date of the event.

At one point the UFO was seen traveling at high speed Yakutsk before turning and heading back to the city.

No official comment on this video, but experts say it is widely known that the UFO made contact and landed on Earth, but never informed the public officially.

(The alleged voice tone is female, which does not belong to any language and has an accent "catty")

Source: http: / / / index.php? option = com_content & task = view & id = 15753 & Itemid = 55


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