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The "radio ghosts" of Tesla

is impossible to imagine the reaction was Nikola Tesla to receive the first issue of what he called "the radio of spirits."

Tesla was working with emission of electromagnetic waves, experiment which, without any shame the Italian Guglielmo Marconi was appropriated, and was won, giving birth to what we know today as radio, winning with impunity Nobel prize, not intended for them.

Returning to our story, Tesla, built a receiver, consisting of a glass bottle and a series of Athens and coils of wire.

immediately began to receive sounds rather unpleasant taste. If lit the device, received other types of sound, which Tesla, caused him a certain impression.

Nikola Tesla, I call it "the radio of the Spirits" because although shortly after it was learned that the device was a very sensitive radio receiver that was able to receive radio waves emitted by the fields magnetic solar system planets and some nearby stars, also caught the approaching storm and turned the light sources of sounds, Tesla asserted until the day of his death, that this device, "came out strange and demonic voices. "

The February 19, 1901, published an article called" Talking With the Planets "(talking to the planets), concluding that perhaps, those voices came from beings from other planets.

Exclusive, we bring you completely removed the article translated in English history Eearly radio which is no less interesting, even from the point of view about life on other planets.

"The idea of \u200b\u200bcommunicating with the inhabitants of other worlds is not new. However, for years, simply considered as a poet's dream, impossible. And with the invention and refinement of the telescope and the growing knowledge of the heavens, its hold on the imagination has increased, and scientific achievements in the late nineteenth century, along with the development of the trend toward the ideal of the nature of Goethe, intensified to such a degree that it seems as if it were destined to be the dominant idea of \u200b\u200bthe century just begun. The desire to know something of our neighbors in the depths of immense space arises not from idle curiosity or thirst for knowledge, but of a deeper cause, and is a feeling rooted in the heart of every human being capable of thinking in all .

"So, where, come from? Who knows Who can assign limits to the subtlety of the influences of nature? Maybe if you could clearly perceive all the intricate mechanism of the glorious spectacle is continuously unfolding before us, and could also trace this desire to its distant origins, we might find the thought vibrations of the earth when he left his heavenly father. "

"But in this age of reason is not surprising to find people who scoff at the idea to make communication with a planet. First, it is argued that only a small probability of other planets are inhabited. This argument has never appealed to me.

In the solar system, it seems that there are only two planets - Venus and Mars - capable of supporting life as ours, but this does not mean that can not be in all of them some other forms of life, chemical processes can be maintained without the aid of oxygen, and still remains an important question of whether the chemical processes are absolutely necessary for the support of intelligent beings. My idea is that the evolution of life must lead to forms of existence that is possible without food and will not be shackled by the limitations attendant. Why would a living being may be able to get all the energy you need to perform their vital functions of the environment, rather than through food consumption, and transformation, through a complicated process? "

"If there were such beings in one of the planets, why bother to know whether there may be?. Nor is it necessary to go so far in our hypothesis, since one can easily imagine that, in the same atmosphere as the density decreases, the moisture dries up and the planet is frozen, organic life can also be modified for, leading finally to the ways that, according to our current ideas of life, are impossible. I readily admit, of course, having a sudden disaster of any kind all life processes can be stopped, but if the change, no matter how big, is gradual, and the ages are occupied by different life forms , final results could be a smart way. They adapt to their changing environment. So I think it is very possible that in a frozen planet, like our moon is supposed to be, intelligent beings still live, in it, if not in surface. "

Issuing from 100 million miles!

" He then states that it is beyond the power and ingenuity to transmit signals it would be impossible to do almost inconceivable distances of fifty million miles. This could have been an argument before. Not so today. Most are excited about the subject of interplanetary communication have placed their faith in the rays of light as the best means of communication. It is true that waves of light, due to its immense speed succession, can penetrate space more easily than radio waves, but a simple consideration shows that if we speak of exchanges of signals between the earth and its partners in the solar system, at least for now, impossible. ;

For example, suppose that a square kilometer of land - the smallest area that could possibly be within reach of the best telescopic view of other worlds - were covered with lamps bulbs, packed in close union, forming a large light cell. This would require at least a hundred million horses force in light of the lamps in this area, and this is many times the amount of engine power that currently exists in the service of man in the world.

But with the media, I could easily demonstrate that, at a cost not exceeding two thousand horse power, signals can be transmitted to a planet like Mars with the utmost precision and certainty as much as now send messages by wire from New York to Philadelphia. These media are the result of long experiment and continuously.

about ten years ago, I recognized the fact that current transport electrical distance was not at all necessary to use a return wire, but any amount of energy could be transmitted using a single cable. I base this principle by numerous experiments that, at that time was unknown among scientists.

Being practically demonstrated, my next step was to use the same land as a means of transmission currents, therefore dispense with cables and all drivers. This created a system of power transmission and telegraphy without the use of cables, which I described in 1893. The difficulties I encountered at first time transmission of currents through the earth were very great. At that time I had on hand only the standard devices, which I found ineffective, and concentrated on perfecting these machines.

This work lasted a few years, but finally overcoming all difficulties and achieving the production of a machine, to explain its operation in simple language, like a pump, drawing electricity from the ground and driving it at high speed, creating waves or shocks, to extend land and through a cable, could be detected at great distances perfectly tuned circuits. Thus I was able to transmit to the distance, only weak signals for experimentation purposes only, but a considerable amount of energy, and later discoveries that convinced me that I will ultimately succeed in transmitting wireless energy for industrial use, with high resource saves me. "

Experiments in Colorado

" To develop these inventions, I traveled to Colorado, where I continued my investigations along these and other practices, one in particular that I now consider an even more important than the wireless energy transmission.

built a laboratory in the neighborhood of Pike's Peak. Conditions in the pure mountain air of Colorado was very favorable for my experiments, and the results were very rewarding for me. I realized that not only could perform my job, and I physically and mentally, than I could in New York, since the electrical effects and changes more clearly perceived.

few years ago it was virtually impossible to produce electrical sparks twenty or thirty feet long, but I managed to produce today a little over a hundred feet long, and this without difficulty. Turnover rates electrical equipment involved in the strong induction were measured a few hundred horsepower, and produce electric rates movements hundred and ten thousand horsepower.

Before that, the only electric pressure were insignificant, until I reached fifty million volts.

accompanying illustrations, with descriptive captions taken from an article I wrote for the magazine "Century", can serve to convey an idea of \u200b\u200bthe results obtained.

Many people have asked me my profession and I have said what I'm trying to do. I'm very close to finishing, when you get the practical results of my works will show to the world and let his influence everywhere. An immediate consequence is the transmission of messages without wires, over the sea \u200b\u200bor land, at an immense distance. I have shown, with crucial evidence, the feasibility of my system signaling each other on the globe, no matter how remote, so far no need for you to believe the skeptics.

I have every reason to congratulate myself that throughout these experiments, many of whom were extremely delicate and dangerous, neither I nor any of my assistants got hurt.

When working with these powerful electrical oscillations can produce the most extraordinary phenomena.

Due to interference of the oscillations, a real fireball can jump a great distance, and if someone were inside or near the roads, would be destroyed immediately.

A machine as I have used could easily kill in an instant, three hundred thousand people. He noted the concern on my assistants and I have told some of them could not withstand the extreme stress. But these dangers have already been fully overcome, and the operation of these devices, however powerful, does not involve any risk.

As I was improving my machines for the production of intense electrical actions, was also perfecting the means for observation of weak effects. One of the most interesting, and also one of great practical importance, was the development of certain contrivances for indicating at a distance of several hundred miles an approaching storm, its direction, speed and distance. These devices will be in the future, for weather observations and monitoring, particularly for many naval applications.

was in carrying out this work which first discovered the mysterious effects which have aroused unusual interest. He had perfected the apparatus in my laboratory in the mountains of Colorado to feel the pulse of the world, so to speak, taking into account all the electrical changes that occurred within a radius of eleven hundred miles. "

Terrified by the success

"I'll never forget the first sensations I experienced when I realized that I had observed something possibly of incalculable consequences for humanity. I felt like I was present at the birth of new knowledge or the revelation of a great truth. Even now, sometimes, I can vividly recall the incident and see my computer as if it were created before I invented it myself.

My first observations positively terrified me because I was not at all present in them something mysterious, if not supernatural. He was alone in my laboratory at night, and at that moment the idea of \u200b\u200bthese disturbances that they will not be possible intelligent signals had happened to me.

progressive Results experiments began to not look anything like the types of signals which was accustomed to receiving. He knew, of course, with electric shocks such as those produced by the sun, the Aurora Borealis and earth currents, and was not so sure it could be the cause that caused these events. My previous experiences confusion prevented this, for some type of atmospheric disturbance

was some time later when the thought crossed my mind, was that the disturbances I had observed might be due to a intelligent control. Although I could not decipher its meaning, it was impossible for me to think of them as if they were accidental.

The feeling grew in me, was to be the first human being to receive a greeting from another planet.
Since my return to New York, a more urgent job has consumed my attention, but I never stopped thinking about those experiences and observations in Colorado. I am constantly trying to improve and perfect my apparatus, and just as soon as possible again to take the thread of my research at the point where I have been forced to set a time to retake it. "

Communicating with Martians.

"At the current stage of progress, there would be no insurmountable obstacle in building a machine capable of transmitting a message to Mars, nor would have great difficulty in receiving signals recorded by us inhabitants of this planet, if they are skilled electricians. Once communication is established, even in the simplest way, for a simple exchange of numbers, progress towards a more comprehensive communication would be fast. I absolutely sure about receipt and exchange of messages that arrive as soon as we respond with the number "four" in response to the signal of "one, two, three." The Martians and the inhabitants of the planet would have sent to us, once interpreted that we were able to receive through the abyss of space. Could transmit knowledge through these means that is also very difficult but not impossible, I've found a way to do it.

What a tremendous stir in the world would do this! How much longer?

Something, at least, science has advanced. But I trust also that as the results demonstrated in my experiments in the West have not been contemplating a vision, but have seen great and profound truth. "

This was the amazing tesla article published almost 110 years ago.

Many, did not sit idly by and built their own radio spirits.

While the reception of sounds in space, and conversion of light to sound real, the witnesses also stated , heard voices, completely unknown language.

The site, has a plan for who will be encouraged to build this strange receptor, by clicking here


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