Monday, March 14, 2011

Female Masterbathing Indian

The political blog about coaching is surprising me so acute and well-expressed in some of his comments policy and their world that may well be applied to the environment of the management teams of organizations otherwise. This article is a highly recommended reading and reflection, and above all I recommend you do it watching the video that has insert:

As the world 2.0 is not well managed, leads us inadvertently, a lack of communication, the time in power leads to isolation.
It's not premeditated, it's just a defense mechanism, unconscious, in some cases and in others it is the power of the ego. Few
Sometimes in politics, may be meetings where people tell their leaders what they really think about them. Many times, not his own team says.
The vast majority of people around the political leader, even people who greets you on the street, in their day to day, watching over a coffee or go into a store and say hello, actually says what he thinks , even despite the existence of a criticism of its management, camouflage reality where objectivity dialogues various disguises and says "Mr. Mayor, that I love, how's your wife?, send greetings, take, gave her some chocolate."
The environment does not help the leader to overcome their isolation, so come and live in a world distorted and that is why they need tools that help them see what really happens out there in your town and even within their own "organization."
Surveys in the external or internal 360-degree feedback, help to "solitude" to look in the mirror and instead of seeing nothing, discover new ways of connecting with voters and reality.
Breaking acquired habits of communication and find new channels of information, this approach to leadership.
Bureaucracy, fatigue and fear are the enemies to beat when one takes a long time on the same chair, and only when one really stops and is seen in the mirror (his coach), has the ability to see , what one does not feel well.
  • Learn to look at you ... Look
  • with respect ...
  • Avanza ...


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