Thursday, March 24, 2011

Free Ideas For A Church Anniversary Ads

The incident Pascagoula (Mississippi, USA)

The October 11, 1973, Charles Hickson, 42 years old, and Calvin Parker, 19, decided to go together to fish on the banks of the Pascagoula River in Mississippi.

The two men, co-workers at a shipyard near ended up settling into an abandoned pier where he said he saw a number of blue lights flickering.

then heard a vibrating sound and they saw before them a long nave about 30 feet in diameter advancing levitating over the River. Again according to Hickson and Parker, a door opened on the ship and it emerged three beings of humanoid features and about 1.50 meters tall. The strange beings

attracted fishermen without touching them, and made to levitate inside the ship. Parker then said to have fainted from the fear and do not remember anything of what happened. Hickson, however, said that people had wrinkled skin and gray, carrot-shaped bumps instead of nose and ears, arms ending in claws like a lobster and one leg.

also stated that he and his companion were thoroughly reviewed by a mechanical eye, and after about 20 minutes, returned to the riverbank.

The terrified anglers spent more than 45 minutes discussing what to do, until he finally decided to take part at the base of Kessler Air Force.

But there denied that the military had anything to do with the investigation of UFOs, and suggested they go to the police.

was attended then the sheriff's office Fred Diamond, who distrusted the story thinking they were alcoholics.

However, Diamond did put a bug in the office and left alone during the two friends a long time. In the recording you got, then known as the "secret tape" Hickson and Parker remain in their history. The sheriff said then that they seemed sincere and really scared.

In October 2001, the retired naval officer Mike Cataldo admitted that, with his friends Ted Peralta and Mack Hanna, had spotted a UFO the same day and in the same area of \u200b\u200bthe alleged abduction of Parker and Hickson.



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