Thursday, March 17, 2011

Scorpio Man Is Interested In You

Matches with Firestarter prophecy

All events that occur in the world, more than one reminded him the famous prophecy of Firestarter.

An old woman named Eyes of Fire, an aboriginal tribe born in the U.S., called "Rainbow Warriors ", launched in the nineteenth century, a prophecy, which was once ignored by many and now echoes much of the media ..

The prophecy in question, said:

" come a day when the white man's greed, the Yo-ne-gi, the fish will die in river flows, which Birds fall from the heavens, the waters and blackened trees and can not stand.

And humanity, as I know it will cease to exist. "

How do we ignore this, with recent events?.

If we analyze what happened in the past few months, when compared with the prophecy of Firestarter, the coincidences are amazing.

"There will come a day when the white man's greed, the Yo-ne-gi, the fish will die in the streams of the rivers"

Millions of fish were found dead in many parts of the world, yet, for unknown reasons. Each of the strange phenomena which occurred in various parts of the world have been accredited by major sources of information.

And the list is much longer, adding to it, the party has not been reported.

The other part of the prophecy says

"the birds fall from heaven"

From this fact we are also the both. Recently, when this strange phenomenon occurred, create an article (see here), but after a few days, the fact was played with more intensity and also in different parts of the world.

And the list are added deaths throughout the world of other species such as crabs and cows.

continue, with another piece of prophecy:

"blacken the waters"

As I emerged the idea of \u200b\u200bthis post, it was impossible to erase the memory of the ecological disaster occurred by the oil spill by the company BP in the Gulf of Mexico.

few days ago, we came across this article:

Large schools of sardines, anchovies, striped bass and mackerel days ago approached the coast of Acapulco, the tourist resort of Mexico, and in groups so closed and so near the surface that looked like a stain oil from above.
Delighted, the fishermen did run the engine on their boats, left their nets and fish simply drew water with buckets.

" We were very fun, we were like 20 or 30 fishermen or more and even people who were with their children who take advantage fishing," said the fisherman Carlos Morales.

The villagers attributed this strange phenomenon unusual currents unleashed by the tsunami that was generated by an earthquake off the coast of Japan. ( / news / events / million-fish-invaded-acapulco)

can be a sum of matches, this might be fulfilling a prophecy ... well ... many believe that "someone" wants us to see that the end is near, causing an artificial, these characteristic signs of apocalyptic stories.

remains in each one, choose the option that best fits their own way of thinking and feel things, we just approached a small deduction.


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