Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Flight Simulator Air Brake Button

The community: The new organizational form that defines the political isolation leading

say that one day we will wake up and discover that organizations will no longer be what they were. They say that these new organizations are approaching at high speed the hierarchy will not be so important that organizational boundaries are more diffuse areas, which make projects more temporary structures and have occupied much of what we now call flowchart . And they say we have to lead by redarquía tribes, leaders say they will all be distributed in a new organizational unit: the community.
say that what we call the future comes to us every day with "small changes" difficult to discern, but one day surprised to discover when we look back.
Today we can only imagine the changes. But as they say this will be our organizational future What will be the future leader in the community? What will be the principal management role?

Community: invisible face organizations
all know that organizations are not what the charts seem to show. Many years ago the talk of informal organizations or if you want to "organizational tribes." According Berenguer corporate tribalism occurs when group members are aligned and identify themselves, so they do not get to see the organization as a whole. The group is made up of corporate tribes that are connected to each other, connected to a leader and an idea. A similar concept to that applied when speaking Seth Godin "Tribes" social "personal union between them, a set of common ideals and a leader."
But probably the more accurate term to understand this new organizational reality is that of "Community." The concept of community is called to be more important in new or adaptive adhoc organizations have people with their own professional ideologies, which will move more to professional values \u200b\u200band ideas that orders and procedures. Perhaps as says Jose Baldaia in the "future projects and communities will be our job" ·
may be true that as we said from the sociological theory Granovetter we give more importance in our organizations " strength of weak ties. " And maybe we should give more importance to another way of looking at reality and think more nodes in networks and organizational positions and communities rather than organizational areas.

community leader, a leader of leaders
Although no organizational disappear seems foolish not to look at a new organizational reality that we do not write well on paper. In fact there are communities and in our organizations but not draw them know, what changes is its importance and how are you configured the leader's role.
The world was a world where we will be more important where the community and other technologies need to represent the ARS (Social Network Analysis) and to measure leadership.
Their representation is really just as simple just have to change boxes and lines (org), by circles and arrows (nodes and networks): the leader is a special node with many more arrows in a node which we call community.
Although some managers more comfortable to ignore reality and admire the "order" that exists only on paper known, others not so and these will arise in such complex environments, what is the mission of the leader? And it seems the new leader's task will be to lead communities through the influence of his ideas.
Although there are many keys to success of community probably more effort should be devoted to this new leader is to create collaboration, team building, teams that reach farther, are more innovative and therefore have better results. Y that happens to help create strong emotional bonds between members of the community: collective intelligence is emotional intelligence .
The other key to success in the "tribe" is knowing that this leading network leaders: no human being is smart enough to replace the collective intelligence. That's what has been called distributed leadership, where the key to success is that other lead.

Technology Leadership enhancer distributed
Charlene Li says in his book Leadership Open. How Social Technology Can Transform the way you lead social technologies that will change how we lead. The truth is that the need for information sharing and contrast ideas within the community will make this type of social tools are imposed and this will act as triggers for the kind of leadership change and make it easier to measure and even represent the community and measured numerically.
Leadership is influence, why not just be measured by your position in the organization but by your position as a node, your ability to influence others. The leadership will be determined by the influence on the nodes of quality in your community that can only be internal to your organization or where there may be external nodes.
leaders will be leaders of ideas, create ideologies and ways of seeing the reality around them and create "communities": the leader defined by your community. Leaders build communities and quedrán appropriate them. Meanwhile
as a manager you can keep waiting for the future comes, as almost always in the back door, but this time when you bump into him and you can not say that nobody has warned. But you may ask some questions What communities are now in your organization? What will be more important? What should you do to lead them? Perhaps these are the questions you should be making it or maybe not What think?
Originally published:
Blog Author: Virginio Gallardo


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