Sunday, February 27, 2011

Rash When I Grow Beard

The Decalogue Medieval

very good entry-Arocas Roberto Luna, a professor in the Department of Business, University of Valencia.

We are now in the XXI century and still live the contrast between companies that go to the speed of lightning and businesses living in the Middle Ages. It is very simple detection, here you will find a Decalogue to help. No doubt the medieval companies have options in the short term but very low in the medium and long term.
  1. People are most important in the company. In my studies about 80% of companies do not value people as a key strategic competitive. The lack of consistency between what is said and what is done always generates a motivational gap important because it sends a clear message to staff inconsistency.
  2. People do not want to strive not to compromise. From my experience in many projects, people go forward in their first days of work and a commitment to make things right. Something we do in business we teach them not to do after or keep this spirit. The working environment is a major responsible for the low effort and commitment.
  3. employees need to produce more. What we need are better leaders who bring out the best employees, who commit and are capable of giving them challenges and track it. From my studies it appears that only 7% of companies makes the most of its people.
  4. more hours more productive. We still have a culture of presence and what we achieve in many cases is to have people present physically but absent emotionally and mentally. We have forgotten the work with objectives, monitoring resources where the employee contributes his talent to the business.
  5. need attitude toward sacrifice workers. Surely we should first clarify that this is the attitude of sacrifice, as if it means that we have no personal life, to sacrifice the reconciliation of work, to obey without more simple range ... so I think we are forgetting the nature of people. The attitude of sacrifice is the only thing you can not buy the company, it has to win. And it seems to get it in general.
  6. With the money you buy everything in the company. There is no question more absurd than this. All my research on the role of money in the companies agree on the same conclusion: the money is not an intrinsic motivator, money helps people to be physically in office, but to get an excellent job you need to involve, a good climate generate employment and work spaces rich in autonomy, responsibility and decision making.
  7. can not do anything with routine work. We continue to believe that 100% of our companies are factories and it has been a century since this is not true. Nearly 70% is pure service and we need people who can contribute their professionalism to the lower-ranking positions. There are many strategies to improve routine work and thus the motivation of employees.
  8. For what form if then leave. It is not difficult to understand that we have a big problem with training in Spain. It is thought that if you are like this will go against you someday (if you hire an employee the competition) or simply as much temporary work is a waste of money, and above all think it's best to be only on the specific job (what else you ask?). If neither the training gifted many companies want to train their staff, of course the question of when would this training, what hours?
  9. Needless to develop people as they generate false expectations. If you do not develop your staff to have it stalled. Organizational development is a message to all staff that the company is growing and learning. If you do not develop, people make their daily du a routine where we lose all our intellectual capital.
  10. selection is not important, the important thing is to work later. Many companies make the mistake of not appreciating enough selection, continue to recruit friends, cousins, brothers and other close ones by the simple criterion of relational proximity. However, we forget that many companies die from lack of key intellectual capital, ie that is of value to the business. Even the SMEs and micro-SMEs do not consider this aspect important where anyone can make a review of CV and a simple interview. Contracts and tell me how many things you tell your productivity, climate, competitiveness, etc ...


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