Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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animals have spiritual experiences in a formal

splitting Experiences astral light in a tunnel, near-death visions and even mystical contemplation of nature, not just the domain of the human being, at least in a cerebral sense, mammals also experience such perceptions.
The meaning you give it, is where we differ with not having a language to symbolize and communicate in complex ways these experiences.

professor of neurology at the University of Kentucky, author of the book, "The Spiritual Doorway in the Brain," has been dedicated to studying the experiences of "spiritual" from neurodynamics. Nelson concluded that most of these experiences are generated in deep brain areas prmitivo, which also share the animals.
"In humans we know that if we disturb the brain region where vision, sense of location in the Earth's gravitational field and the balance, then you can easily generate body experiences. There is no reason to believe that these are different for a dog, cat or primate, "says Nelson, but we imagine especially astral travel of a dolphin or a tiger waking mystical light of his soul (" Dogs Go Sirius?).
Nelson argues that near-death experiences, where people report seeing a light and a tunnel are also shared by animals. The tunnel phenomenon is caused by susceptibility to low blood flow that occurs with cardiac arrest or fainting, while decreasing blood flow fails first vision peripherally. And the light, says Nelson, has to do with how the visual system defines the REM (rapid eye movement that accompanies dreams). "In fact the relationship between REM and psychological crises that cause near-death experiences is stronger in animals such as cats and rats that can be studied in the laboratory.
Needless to say, Nelson's work is entirely reductionist, and spiritual experiences are completely materialistic.
mystical experiences-moments of wonder and awe-occur within the limbic system, says Nelson.
When you remove parts of the animal brain, drugs such as LSD lapse, says Nelson.
He and researcher Jane Goodall observed chimpanzees dancing in ecstasy when they see the waterfalls that emerge after heavy rains.
Some of them even seem to induce a trance state. Perhaps there are numerous animals that have these effects to various mystical psychological phenomena of nature.
Here we have reported on pets that exhibit paranormal powers of perception, as Oscar, the cat psychic, who knows that a person will die before the doctors, or the work of Rupert Sheldrake studying animal telepathy. Another possibility is that animals live in a world that does disntinciĆ³n between the "spiritual" and physical, and we who give meaning to an experience of only material.


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