Friday, February 18, 2011

Campbell Cheddar Cheese Soup Recipe

Swiss Watch in China tomb sealed for 400 years

While some mysteries are occasionally settled, most tend to live forever without being revealed.

is this last category, it belongs to the recent discovery of a Swiss watch, which was found in an ancient tomb of China, which was sealed for more than 400 years.

But how did it get there? This is the question that is going crazy to the archaeologists, who discovered the Swiss Watch in an ancient tomb in Shangsi, southeast China, which is believed to had not been opened since the death of its occupant, during the dynasty Ming emperor between 15 and 16 centuries (400 years ago.)

miniature clock, shaped like a ring and is thought to have only a century old. The mysterious watch was embedded in mud and rocks, and the time had stopped at 10:16 to m. In the back of the clock is reading the inscription "Made in Switzerland."

The presence of this mysterious clock creates more questions than answers ... such as where did it come? Could this ring watch have been planted in the grave?, And if so why? And by whom?

Available data are of no great help in this case. The Ming dynasty had its own time when they built clocks, but that does not explain why the words "Made in Switzerland" appear in the back of the clock, and on top, written in English. In Geneva, Switzerland, at that time, others were more common languages \u200b\u200blike French and German.

In 1541, in Geneva there was a ban on ostentatious jewelry, so the idea of \u200b\u200ba clock-ring may have made sense, because the watches were considered as a practical and essential. Still, there is no record anywhere that watches / rings were popular in Europe for the time until after the year 1780, which seems to deepen the mystery.

Archaeologists were filming a documentary with two reporters as he made the disconcerting discovery.



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