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Psychological aspects of organizational change management

Anna Volodina
Degree in documentología
Masters in Psychology
Masters in Human Resources Management

published March 30, 2010

can characterize the contemporary world as the world of permanent change. Since change is inevitable, try to get used to it to take advantage and be more competent. The process of change is a complicated process because it touches people, emotional beings through the process of change, show different reactions, but have in common is resistance. Managers need to know about managing change. They can choose how, since there are different ways, one of which is focused on the development and training staff.

Introduction The subject of the psychological aspects of organizational change management is very relevant today. In the world we live in, everything changes very fast, raw materials, technology, communications, information etc. We can say that there is nothing permanent except change. The issue of management development is linked to the management of change as concepts change and development are interlinked, as development aid to change and any change is a development for employees of the organization.
Is it so necessary to make changes? Why Why is it so difficult to manage change in organizations? How do the employees during the process of change and why? Is it positive or negative resistance?, Are some of the questions that arise in this article.
The issue of change management is nothing new, during the eighties and nineties made its appearance, is currently in strong expansion and development, there are many books and articles devoted to this subject, which can be divided into three groups: those that explain the theory of change, ie, that is change, what types of change are, as it develops the process of change (Ronco, Lladó, Reig, Fernandez; López Aguilar), which develop only one aspect of change management (Amorós, Kinsey Goman, Hay Group) and those who have the experience of change management process in a particular company or in a particular sector. An example is the project in the Leisure Division and Equipment Mondragón Corporación Cooperativa (MCC) on management development, whose motto is "management development: are the product of change," Molina Castello author distinguishes three types of change in the commercial sector . Making changes, we must take account of the theory of change (can not do anything without previous knowledge), you can read about the experience of other companies, but can not be copied the process of change, since there are no organizations are alike, each organization has specific strategies, policies that are not transferable to other companies and that is why every director, making changes, you have to "invent" the development of process changes.
Today, most organizations understand that they need to make changes to develop. Failure to achieve changes, the company will retain the same, with what is known and comfortable, but can not survive in the world where competition reigns. Each company has to understand what and manage change to survive, taken to the environment, since the change management is the management of the future. So we can say that the change has a positive value.
Each organization consists of people and thus make organizational change means transforming the behavior of people. The process of change is complicated because the change is introduced people and affects people, or people are the cause and purpose. People are very emotional, much of the behavior of people is based on emotions. Throughout the process of organizational change, starting from the beginning, from the decision-making and the diagnosis is the need to make the change, the decisions and the attitude of the manager usually collide with the emotions of employees. The main mistake is to think about change as an event that is not linked with emotions. The manager must understand that it is very difficult to make organizational change and be flexible.
Today many use the word "flexibility", but not everyone understands their meaning. For example, according to Hay Group, flexibility in management is "the willingness and ability to change structures and processes within management as necessary to implement the strategy of changing its organization." Applying the flexibility to change management can be defined as "provision of certain things, to give up when you need to do something with ease."
What is the main attitude of employees cope with change? They are opposed, consciously or unconsciously, to change. That is, in any process of change can be noticed the phenomenon of "resistance." Resistance to change is a very normal and usual. To better understand the process of resistance, it is necessary to understand the reasons, which may be causes of it.

The pyramid of resistance to change.
The first reason is that sometimes the workers do not have enough information about the change and tend to delay the change, which is seen as certain form of resistance. Normally there are two reasons for the lack of information from the workers: the lack of communication about the proposed change and change overly biased (the judge negatively employee tends to change only what is happening in their sphere of influence (your workgroup, department or sector), without taking into account the benefits that can bring change for the company in total).
Another situation is possible: the employees have sufficient information about the change, but resist change just because they perceive that they can change (think they have the skills required by the new situation, do not know how to do what they should do.) Different sensations such immobility caused some perceived as resistance to change. Among the factors contributing to this can highlight the following:
  • The type of organizational culture that punishes overly error.
  • The lack of individual ability, which limits the specific power.
  • Difficulties teamwork necessary to review the whole scheme of interaction proposed change.
  • The perceived lack of resources (financial or human resources).
  • The feeling that real change can not occur.
can also happen, that employees know enough about the change, they feel capable of doing, but do not want change because they believe they do not want. These reactions can from such feelings, as
  • The disagreement on the premises or the reasoning on which the change is sustained.
  • uncertainty: the effects of the new system are not entirely predictable, that causes fear for lack of confidence in their results.
  • loss of identity.
  • The need to work more, people think that change should not only continue to do old tasks but also to start making new ones.
One of the main causes of resistance is the fear of losing something (power, status, security, territory, etc.), since all employees know that every change takes a loss. The Hay Group think "resistance is a clear demonstration of the ability of a system to protect your identity and integrity and therefore its stability."
In almost all large-scale changes or may arise in some way and to some extent the sentiments above, but it is also true that there may be some positive feelings such as, for example, enthusiasm for the possibility of a better future the release of the old problems, expectations of personal development.
Is negative resistance? Many researchers say it is bad, but they insist on providing strategies to address resistance to change and minimize the process along. Thus, among the main ways of reducing resistance highlights the involvement of people in the process of change (change is participatory, as opposed to tax changes, imposed from the top down with no possibility of any change). It seems to be easy, since people are the main part of this process, but this is very complicated: there are views of many employees and the process can become chaotic, the manager may lose control.
There are opinions that the antonym of resistance is "acceptable" but you can not say completely the case, because at the end of the resistance to change always comes acceptance. It would therefore be correct to define "resistance to change" as an opposition process, denial of change, which ends with acceptance. Moreover, one can say that when the resistance ends, it ends the process of change, or rather, the phase "change" the process of change, as Kurt Lewin, any process of change involves three phases: "unfreeze" , "change" and "freeze", since much of the success of change is to be accepted by the employees of the company.
is rare that some authors divide the resistance in type, but basically you can talk about the active and passive resistance. The worst way is passive resistance, because if a person has every emotion in itself, is worse for both the individual and the organization: once exploited the emotions of everyone and the organization "falls into the precipice." Some authors (Ronco, Lladó) highlight forms and degrees of resistance, which depend on the magnitude of change and its impact on the culture of the organization.
resistance can be divided into types, but the main thing is to understand that there was resistance, there is and over every change process is an essential stage of this process, as eventually we must accept is more helpful to think of it as something positive.
as emotional phenomena change, out of fear, creates uncertainty, mistrust, tension, etc. At first sight it seems that the emotions that occur during the process of change are many. If the analyzing is that there is wide range of emotions, it is useful for managers to list them for study in order to do after a behavioral strategy during the change, provide the support mechanisms required for each position in the process change. This is necessary to make an important observation: the change can be made as long as it is a planned strategy addressed, since when spontaneous changes, the situation is complicated by allowing more difficulties in the process.
for people to "endure" the best change is necessary to develop in them the competition "adaptability to change." Martha Alles in his dictionary offers a definition of this competition: "It is the ability to adapt and adjust to changes. It refers to the ability to modify their own behavior to achieve certain objectives when difficulties arise, new information or changes in the environment. is associated with behavioral versatility to adapt to different contexts, situations, resources and personnel quickly and properly. involves lead his group in terms the correct understanding of the changing scenarios in the policies of the organization. "Today, when competency management is very fashionable, there are many possibilities to develop them. With the employee who needs to develop competence" adaptability to change " You can start with the coaching. You can use the "lifeline" that is, ask the employee to draw a line and mark it considers the most significant dates from his birth until now. Then you can ask to add other information considered important, with emphasis on changes in his life, and reflect on them.
The final steps of this process can be "mentoring" a phase where it is necessary to discuss the changes that the mentee wants to do and then set goals. The last phase may be the "empowerment" so that the employee has the ability to make changes.
Speaking of development, this is done for employees to maintain external competitiveness, learning the latest technology and managerial and technical skills to improve the performance of their duties. If a company there is a good development policy, knowledge of the employees are increased and, little by little, the employees will have less fear when making any changes in the organization. Learn something helps However, training can involve employees in the process of change (if the manager chooses to do so), and at the same time generating real change.
So we can say that one of the main challenges of current business management is to consider "change" as something natural and necessary within the organization. As resistance is a major phenomenon of the change process and is inevitable, managers must learn to manage it, because doing so successfully may carry out any process of change without problems. Managing change means managing resistance.
development management, and change management have much in common: are necessary for every organization and every organization must develop its own training and development and change management system, because these things can not be copied, are specific to each company.

  • López Aguilar, J. (2003). New Trends in Change Management. Madrid.
  • Alles, M. (2005). Management skills (dictionary). Buenos Aires: Ediciones Granica.
  • Castello Molina, Jaime (2008). The drivers of change in business. MK Marketing & Sales, 239, 58-65.
  • Jack González, L. (2008). MCC case: a passion for people development. Human capital, 219, 96-100.
  • Hay Group. (2004). Skills: Key to integrated management of human resources. Barcelona, \u200b\u200b2004.
  • Kinsey Goman, C. (2000). The Biggest Mistakes in Managing Change. Innovative Leader, 9, 12.
  • Lewin, K (1988). Field theory in social science. Barcelona.
  • Reig, E., Fernandez, J., Jauli, I. (2003). Resources human-oriented organizations and learning effectiveness. Madrid.
  • Ronco, E., Lladó, E. (2000). Learning to manage change. Barcelona.


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