Saturday, February 12, 2011

Blueprints For A Kitch Island

Skit on

Original article written by Elizabeth Porter at:
reading several articles about the famous "glass ceiling" for professional women, to the surprise of my own life. I know it sounds selfish, and happens to me is when I care. And what the Chinese say: some people are wise before and some after, truism that really fits with the interest and the wisdom depend more on what a living than to be told.
My case: Meeting for definition of powers and functions of an operating unit of a major site, for hiring me as Technical Manager. Attendees: Director General for the national program to work, which is one of my direct bosses, Director General of the institution for which I work, my other boss.
None of them really going to create unity, to organize their work, conduct or supervise the work. This is the funniest. Include, political positions, good strategic position, praise back at the results, I have "some girls that work," and so on ... I guess I sound. I can you too say that in this work are typically constantly hear things like "you always with the hormone," "what a weariness of women" and a new manager: "We have a new secretary, which chupi!"

I sat in a chair across the boss's office door, by his direction for two hours until they were kind enough to point me to enter. All spoken. Complimentary one thing, this is Elizabeth, bla bla bla. There
This glass ceiling clearly defined with a lot of John T Delgado, issue of Money "almost insurmountable barrier has to break the women's access from the company's middle management to senior management areas. " The translation of this fact to the professional life of every day is that women work either wrong or regular, those who do well are really on equal footing with their male counterparts until they reach the positions where they will decide. That things change, they have proved to be good professionals are elegantly excluded from decision-making certain depth. Not allowed to participate in the strategy, or not equal.
From here, everything is poisoned candy smiles, covert flirting, what a good girl, what a great job, the same attitude Rider pats him on the head horse riding strong, well and comfortably take you where you want. The horse is loved, but I rule.

M. Patricia Aragón Sanchez, Project Manager for Family Life Education Concilia SL. rightly says "The appointment to fill senior management positions is not by merit but by choice and are very influential social networks than men have within the enterprise."
And both. In the end, the choice of certain positions is not by merit but by co-optation. As indicated Mabel Murin, Doctor of Clinical Psychology, specialist in Gender Studies and Mental Health: "It works on the principle of cooptation (designate someone by choice and not by regulation or merit) for many of those positions." Social networks can weave the men and women, but always develop between people who are considered "colleagues." This happens at all levels, high and low, of the social scale. Weaving a network is not a matter of technical training, is rather a matter of emotional intelligence and empathy. In managerial positions, in which important decisions are sometimes uncertain, controversial, or which involve human suffering, everyone wants to have confidence in who is next. Know that you will respond in a Predictably, with support beyond the technical fact that it has been decided. That is understood. A colleague who understands. The sexes tend to empathize with each other, and it is natural to choose "colleagues." It is difficult for a man seen as "dude" a woman, and tend to choose someone of a similar profile to accompany himself within his circle. Many of the current directors studied in single-sex schools, who were the "colleagues"?.
To resolve this, some women executives have followed the strategy of "masculinization." Behaving like men, more or less the same patterns affective and relational, I may be viewed as a "colleague." I was at a conference on women, the Women's Forum, which allowed me the success that has provided some women assume these roles. But achieving success in this way, but sometimes works, is exceptional first and second I do not plan. So I started researching other ways to break the glass ceiling, more than anything to learn. And what I am: an article by Lula Towanda on middle management in women, very sly and sharp, which describes the most common strategies to break the bloody glass ceiling, divided into four categories: the "plugged" the "passive-submissive", the "creeping" and "courageous."
plugging whatever you do get, period. So, it comes with the glass ceiling broken. In fact, does not break the glass ceiling, it is put there because he plays, because it's friend, daughter, family X or woman. This is not colleague, but the charge should give because it is a powerful implicit order that it is the true colleague who will give us a profit.
The passive / submissive has good initial career emotionally manipulating the male managers, but can only break the glass ceiling as a "consort" of the powerful when it gets lashed, in which case it becomes plugged.
The climber uses the roles that may be required: passive / submissive or courageous, as necessary, until it is successful, the final win by cunning, not competition. I know this one specimen.
And the courageous, which is the least likely to break the glass ceiling, made of "useful idiots." As Lula Towanda says, "The opener useful or silly deals clear the way of any efforts to collect the fruits that are plugged in, while she is cornered once done the work"
What is the courageous profile? "It is the most worthy of admiration and compassion at a time ... there is not no truce, always wants to do things by itself, without seeking protection. I like to appreciate your effort, which often is titanic. Usually common sense that applies to their daily tasks. From the point of view of the courageous leaders that it is hysterical when he says obscenely uncomfortable truth and do not yield to the folly of management. Usually very sensitive to injustice and as self-made woman, openly fight against it. You can easily reach the middle management but their chances of promotion to the executive or presidential race are null, while the probability of resignation tends dangerously to one over time. ".
And this, which tries and tries to make things work, is the least likely to reach senior positions .... What planet!
Isabel Porter lives in Madrid, is a Doctor of Medicine Specialist in Internal Medicine and Translational Science in Medicine specialist.


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