Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Masterbation Lubricants Ideas

development management Definition of Human Capital and Skills Management

The company today is not the same as yesterday, the changes that occur daily in the world have great influence on the daily actions of each company, with this, each component of it to be molded to fit perfectly to these changes.
Each factor of production must work effectively in achieving the objectives that these changes have, and this is where you get to make the management of human resources and human capital, it is this factor that must be considered of real importance to increase their skills and raise their skills to the point where it is as a factor capable of fending for himself and give the best of his work, feeling satisfied with what they do and with as recognized.
management begins to take place now is not based on such factors as technology and information, but "the key to successful management is people involved in it." What
is needed today is detached from the fear that produces the unknown and into the adventure of change internally, innovate continuously, to understand reality, face the future, understand the company and our mission there.
An indispensable tool for meeting this challenge is the skills management, such a tool explores the development and involvement of human capital, since it helps to raise the skills level of excellence of each of the individuals involved, which make of the company.
Competency Management becomes transformed into a continuous channel of communication between labor and management, it is now when the company starts to engage the needs and desires of their employees to help them, support them and provide personal development can enrich the personality of each employee.

human capital and management skills
Definition of terms used
  • Capital: amount of money or value of interest-or profit. Element or factor of production formed by the accumulated wealth in any aspect goes back to that union labor and natural agents. Human
  • : on the man or like him.
  • Management: perform actions for the achievement of
  • Competition: aptitude; quality that makes a person is fit for purpose. Adequacy or suitability to obtain and retain employment. Qualified, capable, clever or purpose for one thing. Ability and willingness for good performance.
These terms do not give us very clear or light use in the administration of HR, however we see the interactions that occur between them.
  • Human Capital: is the increase in production capacity of the work achieved with improvements in the capabilities of workers. These enhanced capabilities are acquired through training, education and experience. It refers to practical knowledge, skills acquired and skills learned from an individual who potentially do. Figuratively refers to the term capital in connection with what might be better called the "quality of work" is somewhat confusing. In the strictest sense of the term, human capital is not really capital at all. The term was coined to make a useful illustrative analogy between investing resources to increase regular physical capital stock (tools, machines, buildings, etc.) To increase labor productivity and the "investment" in education or training labor as an alternative means of achieving the same objective of increasing productivity.
  • Competency Management: indispensable strategic tool to face the new challenges posed by the media. Is to promote excellence in individual skills, according to operational needs. Ensures the development and management of the potential of people, "of what they do" or could do.
Why is it necessary for the Company's Human Capital Development?
know that advanced technology is essential to the productivity of the market now requires us, but we also that the success of any enterprise depends mainly on the flexibility and capacity for innovation that has the people involved in the organization.
addition in the current era, technology and information are available to all companies, so the only competitive advantage that can differentiate one company from another is the ability of people within the organization to adapt to change . This is achieved by strengthening the training and continuous learning for people to education and experiences that are measurable and, moreover, still valued as of the powers.


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