Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Japanese Woman Subway Molesting

The outplacement after downsizing Outplacement

Edgar Eslava Arnao
Masters and PhD in Organizational Psychology
business consultant and speaker, Leadership and Management
Lima, Peru

New skills to survive in employment
Job Hunting at the present time, it becomes increasingly difficult for people worldwide and are not necessarily situations created by the companies themselves. These, in order to survive have to adapt to new environmental conditions and challenges and will require some people, and keep more up to date, will to opt for higher learning to enable it to develop new personal and professional skills meet the increased demands of new profiles of the charges, to be more employable to stay on course in a work

The current environment and business
The world situation is changing significantly due to the effects of economic globalization, technological innovation and adaptation to the modern world, the survival of organizations, is now a strategic imperative of life, which should A firm commitment to confront an increasingly competitive and changing and Customers are increasingly demanding and discriminating, will have to optimize the skills of their staff as a key strategy, provide increased value to the quality of its products and value added services / products and certainly encourage and maintain its market position and the loyalty of their customers both external and internal.
The causes that led to this sudden and traumatic change, economic recessions are the years 80-90, which is still more acute today, coupled with the long decline in global competitiveness of enterprises, causing that many signatures innovative technology, staff were being overloaded, feeling slow, inefficient responsive to the market.

Downsizing and survival
business enterprises to survive and compete in this growing market and overcome the reduction of profit margins, have been compelled to resort to saving many strategies, opting to mergers, strategic alliances, closures, reductions, restructuring, innovation of machinery and equipment, outsourcing (outsourcing services), the redesign of jobs, changes in the profiles of charge excessive elimination of hierarchical levels and ultimately implement alternative implementation of downsizing (reduction structure and personnel costs), which inevitably lead to staff reductions.

"Losing a job is the most powerful and disturbing life event"

is inevitable then that the loss of employment may be increasing, perhaps we know little about what it means to lose their jobs, even though it is a situation as mentioned above is very common all over the world, which serves as a substantive argument for some TV series .
But what effects faced by people who are in this situation?, People who lose present job as anxiety disorders, heavy damage to self-esteem, guilt, impaired self-concept, psychosomatic illness, irritability, hypertension, stress, depression, abandonment and can cause severe pathologies such as alcoholism or other addiction psychoactive substances. It usually affects the deterioration of mental and physical health, the welfare loss and dissatisfaction with life. There have been references to very extreme critical reactions against dismissal, such as aggression (Burn the workplace), others of a intrapunitivo (Suicide).

What effect does the dismissal in the family?
At the family level, in the case of the dismissal of head of household, family relationships can become strained gradually, cold or distant, increasing friction and discussions, friction, lack of tolerance, changing roles, eventually forcing the wife if that works now, to cope for itself a livelihood for their family or seek employment, if it does not, provided you have the age and qualifications currently required in all jobs and if the husband loses his job, will be clarified to deal with the housework which was probably never used. The tense atmosphere generated in the family, may affect the performance and behavior of children of school age. Parents will be forced to change particular college or university where they were a national entity.
The situation may be exacerbated when the boss fired home, trying to find another job and if over 35 or 40 years old, will not be easy getting a job soon and even worse, if you do not have the skills and currently required technical, having to settle for activities or venture into small trades in which neither has been accustomed to.

What about the executives and managers who lose their jobs?
For the removal of senior executives, among other things, people think that those who leave these positions or positions of power, do it with so much money and contacts that should have no problem to continue their careers. The simple truth is that more status and power lost, it is even more difficult to adapt to new situations and logically to live without power and employment. Many executives find it difficult to stand and reconsider its new identity, go back to the flat face Unanswered phone calls, invitations and greetings that do not come, doors will not open as before, and realize that you have less friends I thought. It is therefore important to remember while you have power and position, avoid isolation and futility that this can bring; be accustomed to listen only to those who say what you want to listen or who always claim to be his faithful collaborators. Loneliness in these positions, you can get disconnected from the reality of their work, the organization and our own life become inflexible worse victims of their own success. Many times, the "lack of time" leads not to use real time in your family, to pursue the limelight and social gatherings while forgetting old friends, each call that we have not returned to a friend neglected, we be charged later with interest.

Keep work is the responsibility of the worker
real situation facing so many workers who lose their jobs is because they think to be "covered" by a "Traditional nonexistent job security "or for having links or affinity with senior executives of the company, not efforts to upgrade and continuously trained, or not to engage in optimizing their professional skills, personal and job, or your personal marketing that will lead to assertive behavior with positive interpersonal relationships at all levels, project confidence, loyalty and commitment within your team and to their superiors, the sine qua non to keep their jobs.

company's ethical commitment to the dismissed
Outplacement programs (OPC), is an ethical strategy and a tool management applied after Downsizing, with great emphasis psychological support staff is about to cease, contributing to the trauma of termination is received by the worker, not a fatal situation unresolved, but as a new challenge to face for search a new job or occupation.
Organizations should consider this process as a response real moral concerns, making a mea culpa, taking a moral and trying to make "GOODBYE IS WITH LESS PAIN, so that the impact of dismissal, non-traumatic both for those workers to remove the link, as those who remain in the organization (Syndrome survivors) to avoid affecting the least possible work environment, certainly in these conditions, is fraught with tensions, uncertainties and fears, so too must maintain a positive image of the company over its customers, suppliers, financial institutions and general public opinion.
Outplacement programs (OPC), together a series of strategies to support, counseling and technical assistance to persons subject to a decoupling of work.
The ouplacement (OPC) "is a process of consulting, support, guidance and training aimed at the person, graduate or transferred to the search for a new job or activity level or conditions similar to those of his former occupation as quickly as possible. "

The contribution of psychology
The contribution of psychology to these transition processes work is significantly important, especially in the initial stages, both in the initial psychological support, such as psychometric assessments of skills, occupational guidance, counseling and job search market. The emphasis of this task is also addressed to those who are to retire either naturally or early, providing training, enabling them to establish a strategy to plan your life plan extra course work and prepare to live a better quality of life, which undoubtedly play an important role in the family should be prepared, which should be no extreme protectionism or with indifference.

What about the quality of life for retirees?
People whose parents are retired, it is usual to assume extremely protectionist attitudes, prevent the retirement you shop at the store just because it could be hit by a car, avoid going to water the garden of the house because they fear they might catch a cold, talking in low voices of the problems that exist at home or at work, for fear that the retiree will listen and suddenly can cause blood pressure problems, heart or other ailments.
Failure to share with them things and end protectionism do not do anything right, the retiree feels marginalized, depressed and worse maybe even useless for all a burden on the family, the mental faculties may feel weak and so on., In short the attitudes of family members do more than produce a slow death for him.
Instead we must support them in activities they would like to do, like gardening, carpentry, drawing, etc., Suddenly writing a book about his experiences starting a business, continue working as a consultant to the company in which worked or other, is a person with so much experience that could take advantage of his wisdom, his advice, to have her join our projects and activities of the family, which has a connection with old friends, to make the trip they always wanted done and not done for work reasons.
These people deserve a decent life and the best way to achieve is to feel useful to all who live with him.
In the decade of the 40 American psychologists Retirement Board was called to the activity which provided counseling and guidance for people to retire so they could plan your life outside work in a dignified way.


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