Monday, February 21, 2011

How Good Is Progesterall

Egyptian Ghost Rider. Find

During the riots in Cairo the night of February 3, 2011, the channel Euronews, which was broadcasting live the event, I catch a strange figure in motion, what seems to be a jockey, riding a horse.

course, being being broadcast live, the researchers ruled out any manipulation.
image, quickly swept the world, and thanks to YouTube video channel, it became much more famous. Witnesses

site did not observe anything at the moment, in which the spectral image, appears in the middle of the road, to move towards the heavens. About
frames analyzed, they appreciate that the ghostly rider owned clothing old and had a gun in their hands.

Some religious currents, identified the fact, the arrival of one of the horsemen of the apocalypse described in the biblical texts.

At 1:18 the next video, you can see the strange sight.


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