Monday, February 28, 2011

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The Spiricom, means of communication with the beyond

Metascience Foundation, dedicated almost 10 years of experiments to conclude in a device called Spiricom, which, allowing direct contact with beings from other dimensions, which identified as emaciated (deceased) of our planet.

Basically, Metascience Foundation, dismisses the theory better known on the EVP, which says that the experimenter's power to interfere on the entities, claiming that these energies, spread steadily, and I need a means to capture and frequencies to modulate the waves and transform them into audible voices. The

Spiricom was not more than one device, transformers, valves and transistors, signal amplifiers and generators of all different frequencies, nothing that can not be manufactured in this world.

The device was named as Mark IV by members of the foundation and there have been almost 20 hours of conversations with these entities.

The Metascience Foundation, had developed different systems investigated for their members, of whom only one had amazing results, making long conversations.

The system used was known as the Mark IV, which worked providing a constant carrier thirteen tones, which sometimes could be modulated with ease from the other side. Bill O'neil

the technician responsible for the foundation to develop new devices, he had no opportunity to enter the 80 to have some results and get some voices.

noticed that beyond a combination of electronic oscillators and other very stable as quartz stones, the presence of a medium greatly facilitated communication.

If a person has a transceiver (often called handy) and want to communicate with another, must take into account the frequency or channel in which to tune to carry such a procedure. Likewise, if we speak phone with someone, not knowing what number to call, there will be an impossible task.

So how did Bill O'neil to obtain the correct frequencies?

In early 1982, Bill O'neil, began receiving an unusual voice, who then idenfico with Dr. Muller.

Muller, had been an engineer at NASA and had died in 1967. Like other transcommunicators (see here), Muller was communicating from another astral plane, where he owned media, technological also to communicate with this plane.
This strange character, which will corroborate his identity, and working with Von Braun on the Apollo project, warned O'neil, who was to act quickly, as quickly amount to another level of evolution, which , it would be completely impossible to communicate with him.

O 'Neil went to work and within months, had the final version Spiricom, which was built under the supervision of Dr. Muller.

the end of 1985, talks with Muller were increasingly sporadic and weak, until at the beginning of 1986, there were no more contacts with this organization.

site ITC World (in English) has an important evidence of these communications. We will approach one of them, including O 'neil and Muller.

Doc Mueller: I think the problem is an impedance mismatch Into That third transistor.
(I think it's a problem of impedance in the third transistor)

BO'Neil : Third transistor ...
(The third transistor)

Doc Mueller: Yes, the That Follows the transistor, uh, the input.
(Yes, the transistor, which is a continuation of the entry)

BO'Neil : I do not understand.
(not understand)

Doc Mueller: The pre-amp. The pre-amp.
(preamplifier, the preamplifier) \u200b\u200b

BO'Neil : Oh, the pre-amp.
(Oh, the preamplifier) \u200b\u200b

Doc Mueller: Yes. I, uh, think That We Can correct by Introducing a, uh, 150-ohm, 100-watt resistor in parallel with a point-double-oh-four-seven microfarad ceramic capacitor. I Think That We Can Overcome impedance mismatch.
(Yes, I think you can fix it by adding a resistance of 150 ohms and 100 Watts in parallel with a ceramic capacitor of 0.447 microfarads, I think this is one of an impedance problem.)

BO'Neil : Oh, boy, I'll Have to get the schematic. I ...
(Oh, boy, I need the plane for it, I ...)

George and Jeanette Meek, who participated in the Metascience Foundation, and made impressive experiences, like taking the first image of the soul, leaving the physical body during astral travel session (See here ) took over the continuation of the project Spiricom, and made a lot of experiments, in which repeatedly made contact with Konstantin Raudive (see here), precursor of Transcommunication, along with Friedrich Jürgenson (see here ).

mid 1990 Jeanette Meek, George Meek's wife died. There were several contacts and received a letter, sent by Jeanette herself to her husband, as a testimony of life after death. Also

marriage Harsch-Fischbach has an image sent from Jeanette from another plane for her husband.

Soon, George Meek, began to receive phone calls from another plane of the very same Raudive, giving even more details about the improvements for better communication. This made gradually Spiricom leave the project because it had achieved sufficient technological and spiritual attunement, and to receive communications by other means.

This is an extract from one of the telephone conversations between Meek and Raudive.

G Meek : Good morning, this is George Meek.
(Good morning, is George Meek)

K Raudive: This is Konstantin Raudive. George, my friend, at last we succeeded in Contacting you. Jeannette is Beside Me, and She Wants to Give you all her love. This is Konstantin Raudive. This is the first contact you get from us. I suppose That You Can Hear Me?
(I am Konstantin Raudive, George, my friend, in the end, we communicate with you. Jeanette is on my side and sends you his love.'m Konstantin Raudive and this is our first contact. I guess you can hear me?

G Meek: I can hear you very well. Very Plainly.
(I hear it perfectly clear).

K Raudive: Fine! So, this is The Beginning of a new story, a new chapter, George. You are a very good friend of ours, Even If We Have not Met. We will continue this. This is the first bridge Have we succeeded to build to the States. Mark WAS contacted, and I Must interrupt now.
(Very good! So, this is the beginning of a new history, a new chapter, George you are a great friend of ours, even if we've told. We will continue with this. This is the first bridge we have to unite both planes. Marck contacted, and I have to interrupt this communication now.

Full Chat

The Spiricom invention is not no secret, since the foundation Metascience, public every circuit diagrams and plans, so that any person can build your own and experiment.
Today, the electronics to advanced so much that it is not necessary to have so much room to make a Spiricom, and most notebooks are designed prototypes.

Some researchers such as Hans Otto König, frequency generators replaced by glass and light sources achieving impressive results.

The GhostBox (also known as Frank Box) is a device, inspired by the Spiricom in which direct voices can be obtained with portable radios to AM or FM, which has been soldered The scanning, causing the receiver is all the time going down and up the frequency.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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The Decalogue Medieval

very good entry-Arocas Roberto Luna, a professor in the Department of Business, University of Valencia.

We are now in the XXI century and still live the contrast between companies that go to the speed of lightning and businesses living in the Middle Ages. It is very simple detection, here you will find a Decalogue to help. No doubt the medieval companies have options in the short term but very low in the medium and long term.
  1. People are most important in the company. In my studies about 80% of companies do not value people as a key strategic competitive. The lack of consistency between what is said and what is done always generates a motivational gap important because it sends a clear message to staff inconsistency.
  2. People do not want to strive not to compromise. From my experience in many projects, people go forward in their first days of work and a commitment to make things right. Something we do in business we teach them not to do after or keep this spirit. The working environment is a major responsible for the low effort and commitment.
  3. employees need to produce more. What we need are better leaders who bring out the best employees, who commit and are capable of giving them challenges and track it. From my studies it appears that only 7% of companies makes the most of its people.
  4. more hours more productive. We still have a culture of presence and what we achieve in many cases is to have people present physically but absent emotionally and mentally. We have forgotten the work with objectives, monitoring resources where the employee contributes his talent to the business.
  5. need attitude toward sacrifice workers. Surely we should first clarify that this is the attitude of sacrifice, as if it means that we have no personal life, to sacrifice the reconciliation of work, to obey without more simple range ... so I think we are forgetting the nature of people. The attitude of sacrifice is the only thing you can not buy the company, it has to win. And it seems to get it in general.
  6. With the money you buy everything in the company. There is no question more absurd than this. All my research on the role of money in the companies agree on the same conclusion: the money is not an intrinsic motivator, money helps people to be physically in office, but to get an excellent job you need to involve, a good climate generate employment and work spaces rich in autonomy, responsibility and decision making.
  7. can not do anything with routine work. We continue to believe that 100% of our companies are factories and it has been a century since this is not true. Nearly 70% is pure service and we need people who can contribute their professionalism to the lower-ranking positions. There are many strategies to improve routine work and thus the motivation of employees.
  8. For what form if then leave. It is not difficult to understand that we have a big problem with training in Spain. It is thought that if you are like this will go against you someday (if you hire an employee the competition) or simply as much temporary work is a waste of money, and above all think it's best to be only on the specific job (what else you ask?). If neither the training gifted many companies want to train their staff, of course the question of when would this training, what hours?
  9. Needless to develop people as they generate false expectations. If you do not develop your staff to have it stalled. Organizational development is a message to all staff that the company is growing and learning. If you do not develop, people make their daily du a routine where we lose all our intellectual capital.
  10. selection is not important, the important thing is to work later. Many companies make the mistake of not appreciating enough selection, continue to recruit friends, cousins, brothers and other close ones by the simple criterion of relational proximity. However, we forget that many companies die from lack of key intellectual capital, ie that is of value to the business. Even the SMEs and micro-SMEs do not consider this aspect important where anyone can make a review of CV and a simple interview. Contracts and tell me how many things you tell your productivity, climate, competitiveness, etc ...

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Company" The devil knows more positive than the devil "Stress

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Friday, February 25, 2011

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Scientists recognize the existence of the human aura

Although some people might seem ridiculous that science still question the existence of auras, or biomagnetic fields, usually expressed in colors, the truth is that the mainstream scientific view generally considers that aura, like telepathy (see scientific evidence of telepathy) are hallucinations characteristic of mental illness or fakirs.

But for people who experience these phenomena, psi, which are probably accessible to any human being, it is incontrovertible that what they perceive is real.

A study by scientists at the University of San Diego has shown, with the rigor of the white robes and academic reviews, that auras are real, at least one type of auras . Researchers have identified a new form of synesthesia, in which a man perceives color emotions surrounding others.

The subject in question, called RF, is 23 and has been diagnosed with a form of autism, Asperger syndrome concoction (like Gary McKinonn, UFO hacker). At age 10, the RF mother told him to put a color to each of his emotions, in an effort to achieve communication.

RF This led, years later, experminentara colored auras around other people depending on the emotions that are in contact. According to RF, the aura of people tend to be blue, but then changed as emotional content.

To prove what RF said, the researchers placed a volunteer against a white wall and drew his silhouette on it with a black pen. RF reported seeing the aura of voluntary filling your body to the black line yet how far they drew the line.

team wrote letters against a white background colors in various spots around the volunteer. RF asked what letter was.

When the bill was blue and into the black line in reply RF problamas was the name of the letter.

The researchers believe the blue letters within the black line probably be merged perceived the blue aura.

"Some people who claim to be psychic could be telling the truth when they say they see auras, you may fall in this spectrum of synesthesia," said researcher Elizabeth Seckel. "They could be tuned to the emotions of others and projecting them as an aura of color." Interestingly another scientific study shows that synesthesia, the ability to multipercepción touch, they can learn, so this had significantly podmeos learn that synesthesia sees emotions as colors.

The case raises several questions "is this young autistic only projecting their emotions, a solipsisimo animist, or being perceived emotions of others in a clairvoyant? Being autistic, turned on itself, could hardly believe that access to the emotions of others (even though this might be that only has difficulty communicating emotions and not to perceive).

Do people who see the aura, are seeing their own emotional rainbow reflected in the other? Or perhaps a merger occurs magnetic fields and my colors color to your own coloring to mine in the light that floats our bodies?

People who say they perceive the aura, show that the aura is an infallible source of information, because energy does not lie. The colors are revealed as emotional-communication codes similar to that of the cephalopods, which reflect the mental state of an individual firm, its momentum and emotional history.

Another issue in this case has to do with the DEFINITION of "real", to what extent one can assume that their reality is the reality of all people, based on a utopian objectivity. The instrument we use to define reality determines the reality we get. And nobody can stop using his own body and brain as a tool to collect and discuss the reality, so reality is always a matter of mind and subjective.

Although mainstream science rejecting the famous Kirllian camera that photographs the aura supposedly a Japanese scientific study shows that humans biophotons issues so rhythmic and differences as part of the body.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Stress can come from any situation or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry or anxious. What is stressful to one person is not necessarily stressful to another. Anxiety is a feeling of apprehension, nervousness or fear. The source of this uneasiness is not always known or recognized, which may increase the distress you feel. Stress is a normal part of life of all individuals and at low levels is a good thing because it motivates and can help you be more productive.
However, too much stress or a strong response to stress is harmful. It can set to have a poor general health, as well as specific physical or psychological illnesses like infection, heart disease or depression. Persistent stress can lead to this anxiety and unhealthy behaviors like overeating and consuming alcohol or drugs.

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animals have spiritual experiences in a formal

splitting Experiences astral light in a tunnel, near-death visions and even mystical contemplation of nature, not just the domain of the human being, at least in a cerebral sense, mammals also experience such perceptions.
The meaning you give it, is where we differ with not having a language to symbolize and communicate in complex ways these experiences.

professor of neurology at the University of Kentucky, author of the book, "The Spiritual Doorway in the Brain," has been dedicated to studying the experiences of "spiritual" from neurodynamics. Nelson concluded that most of these experiences are generated in deep brain areas prmitivo, which also share the animals.
"In humans we know that if we disturb the brain region where vision, sense of location in the Earth's gravitational field and the balance, then you can easily generate body experiences. There is no reason to believe that these are different for a dog, cat or primate, "says Nelson, but we imagine especially astral travel of a dolphin or a tiger waking mystical light of his soul (" Dogs Go Sirius?).
Nelson argues that near-death experiences, where people report seeing a light and a tunnel are also shared by animals. The tunnel phenomenon is caused by susceptibility to low blood flow that occurs with cardiac arrest or fainting, while decreasing blood flow fails first vision peripherally. And the light, says Nelson, has to do with how the visual system defines the REM (rapid eye movement that accompanies dreams). "In fact the relationship between REM and psychological crises that cause near-death experiences is stronger in animals such as cats and rats that can be studied in the laboratory.
Needless to say, Nelson's work is entirely reductionist, and spiritual experiences are completely materialistic.
mystical experiences-moments of wonder and awe-occur within the limbic system, says Nelson.
When you remove parts of the animal brain, drugs such as LSD lapse, says Nelson.
He and researcher Jane Goodall observed chimpanzees dancing in ecstasy when they see the waterfalls that emerge after heavy rains.
Some of them even seem to induce a trance state. Perhaps there are numerous animals that have these effects to various mystical psychological phenomena of nature.
Here we have reported on pets that exhibit paranormal powers of perception, as Oscar, the cat psychic, who knows that a person will die before the doctors, or the work of Rupert Sheldrake studying animal telepathy. Another possibility is that animals live in a world that does disntinción between the "spiritual" and physical, and we who give meaning to an experience of only material.

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Employability: Build it throughout your career

Employability. Build it your whole career. LATAM Bumeran from on Vimeo .

Are we competent in-house and for the labor market? What training and experience is the best in our employability? What to do to keep it?
Let us understand how to be an attractive candidate for companies, not only when we work but work throughout life

Monday, February 21, 2011

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Egyptian Ghost Rider. Find

During the riots in Cairo the night of February 3, 2011, the channel Euronews, which was broadcasting live the event, I catch a strange figure in motion, what seems to be a jockey, riding a horse.

course, being being broadcast live, the researchers ruled out any manipulation.
image, quickly swept the world, and thanks to YouTube video channel, it became much more famous. Witnesses

site did not observe anything at the moment, in which the spectral image, appears in the middle of the road, to move towards the heavens. About
frames analyzed, they appreciate that the ghostly rider owned clothing old and had a gun in their hands.

Some religious currents, identified the fact, the arrival of one of the horsemen of the apocalypse described in the biblical texts.

At 1:18 the next video, you can see the strange sight.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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If deprived of sleep a person ... it is isolated from the very source of life

continue growing in the world atheism in the same proportion in which sleep is followed by lighter. ..

In countries where people have a light sleeper ...


And in countries where people sleep deeper, increase over theism ...

But that theism and atheism is something completely alien to the man ...

it arises from an unconscious state ...

The person who has stayed deep passes peacefully the next day ... while he has not slept soundly spends restless and agitated the next day ...

How will power be receptive to God ... restless and agitated mind?

A troubled mind ..

Unsatisfied ...

Tense and angry ...

Refusing to accept God ...

denies its existence ...


Friday, February 18, 2011

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Swiss Watch in China tomb sealed for 400 years

While some mysteries are occasionally settled, most tend to live forever without being revealed.

is this last category, it belongs to the recent discovery of a Swiss watch, which was found in an ancient tomb of China, which was sealed for more than 400 years.

But how did it get there? This is the question that is going crazy to the archaeologists, who discovered the Swiss Watch in an ancient tomb in Shangsi, southeast China, which is believed to had not been opened since the death of its occupant, during the dynasty Ming emperor between 15 and 16 centuries (400 years ago.)

miniature clock, shaped like a ring and is thought to have only a century old. The mysterious watch was embedded in mud and rocks, and the time had stopped at 10:16 to m. In the back of the clock is reading the inscription "Made in Switzerland."

The presence of this mysterious clock creates more questions than answers ... such as where did it come? Could this ring watch have been planted in the grave?, And if so why? And by whom?

Available data are of no great help in this case. The Ming dynasty had its own time when they built clocks, but that does not explain why the words "Made in Switzerland" appear in the back of the clock, and on top, written in English. In Geneva, Switzerland, at that time, others were more common languages \u200b\u200blike French and German.

In 1541, in Geneva there was a ban on ostentatious jewelry, so the idea of \u200b\u200ba clock-ring may have made sense, because the watches were considered as a practical and essential. Still, there is no record anywhere that watches / rings were popular in Europe for the time until after the year 1780, which seems to deepen the mystery.

Archaeologists were filming a documentary with two reporters as he made the disconcerting discovery.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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The outplacement after downsizing Outplacement

Edgar Eslava Arnao
Masters and PhD in Organizational Psychology
business consultant and speaker, Leadership and Management
Lima, Peru

New skills to survive in employment
Job Hunting at the present time, it becomes increasingly difficult for people worldwide and are not necessarily situations created by the companies themselves. These, in order to survive have to adapt to new environmental conditions and challenges and will require some people, and keep more up to date, will to opt for higher learning to enable it to develop new personal and professional skills meet the increased demands of new profiles of the charges, to be more employable to stay on course in a work

The current environment and business
The world situation is changing significantly due to the effects of economic globalization, technological innovation and adaptation to the modern world, the survival of organizations, is now a strategic imperative of life, which should A firm commitment to confront an increasingly competitive and changing and Customers are increasingly demanding and discriminating, will have to optimize the skills of their staff as a key strategy, provide increased value to the quality of its products and value added services / products and certainly encourage and maintain its market position and the loyalty of their customers both external and internal.
The causes that led to this sudden and traumatic change, economic recessions are the years 80-90, which is still more acute today, coupled with the long decline in global competitiveness of enterprises, causing that many signatures innovative technology, staff were being overloaded, feeling slow, inefficient responsive to the market.

Downsizing and survival
business enterprises to survive and compete in this growing market and overcome the reduction of profit margins, have been compelled to resort to saving many strategies, opting to mergers, strategic alliances, closures, reductions, restructuring, innovation of machinery and equipment, outsourcing (outsourcing services), the redesign of jobs, changes in the profiles of charge excessive elimination of hierarchical levels and ultimately implement alternative implementation of downsizing (reduction structure and personnel costs), which inevitably lead to staff reductions.

"Losing a job is the most powerful and disturbing life event"

is inevitable then that the loss of employment may be increasing, perhaps we know little about what it means to lose their jobs, even though it is a situation as mentioned above is very common all over the world, which serves as a substantive argument for some TV series .
But what effects faced by people who are in this situation?, People who lose present job as anxiety disorders, heavy damage to self-esteem, guilt, impaired self-concept, psychosomatic illness, irritability, hypertension, stress, depression, abandonment and can cause severe pathologies such as alcoholism or other addiction psychoactive substances. It usually affects the deterioration of mental and physical health, the welfare loss and dissatisfaction with life. There have been references to very extreme critical reactions against dismissal, such as aggression (Burn the workplace), others of a intrapunitivo (Suicide).

What effect does the dismissal in the family?
At the family level, in the case of the dismissal of head of household, family relationships can become strained gradually, cold or distant, increasing friction and discussions, friction, lack of tolerance, changing roles, eventually forcing the wife if that works now, to cope for itself a livelihood for their family or seek employment, if it does not, provided you have the age and qualifications currently required in all jobs and if the husband loses his job, will be clarified to deal with the housework which was probably never used. The tense atmosphere generated in the family, may affect the performance and behavior of children of school age. Parents will be forced to change particular college or university where they were a national entity.
The situation may be exacerbated when the boss fired home, trying to find another job and if over 35 or 40 years old, will not be easy getting a job soon and even worse, if you do not have the skills and currently required technical, having to settle for activities or venture into small trades in which neither has been accustomed to.

What about the executives and managers who lose their jobs?
For the removal of senior executives, among other things, people think that those who leave these positions or positions of power, do it with so much money and contacts that should have no problem to continue their careers. The simple truth is that more status and power lost, it is even more difficult to adapt to new situations and logically to live without power and employment. Many executives find it difficult to stand and reconsider its new identity, go back to the flat face Unanswered phone calls, invitations and greetings that do not come, doors will not open as before, and realize that you have less friends I thought. It is therefore important to remember while you have power and position, avoid isolation and futility that this can bring; be accustomed to listen only to those who say what you want to listen or who always claim to be his faithful collaborators. Loneliness in these positions, you can get disconnected from the reality of their work, the organization and our own life become inflexible worse victims of their own success. Many times, the "lack of time" leads not to use real time in your family, to pursue the limelight and social gatherings while forgetting old friends, each call that we have not returned to a friend neglected, we be charged later with interest.

Keep work is the responsibility of the worker
real situation facing so many workers who lose their jobs is because they think to be "covered" by a "Traditional nonexistent job security "or for having links or affinity with senior executives of the company, not efforts to upgrade and continuously trained, or not to engage in optimizing their professional skills, personal and job, or your personal marketing that will lead to assertive behavior with positive interpersonal relationships at all levels, project confidence, loyalty and commitment within your team and to their superiors, the sine qua non to keep their jobs.

company's ethical commitment to the dismissed
Outplacement programs (OPC), is an ethical strategy and a tool management applied after Downsizing, with great emphasis psychological support staff is about to cease, contributing to the trauma of termination is received by the worker, not a fatal situation unresolved, but as a new challenge to face for search a new job or occupation.
Organizations should consider this process as a response real moral concerns, making a mea culpa, taking a moral and trying to make "GOODBYE IS WITH LESS PAIN, so that the impact of dismissal, non-traumatic both for those workers to remove the link, as those who remain in the organization (Syndrome survivors) to avoid affecting the least possible work environment, certainly in these conditions, is fraught with tensions, uncertainties and fears, so too must maintain a positive image of the company over its customers, suppliers, financial institutions and general public opinion.
Outplacement programs (OPC), together a series of strategies to support, counseling and technical assistance to persons subject to a decoupling of work.
The ouplacement (OPC) "is a process of consulting, support, guidance and training aimed at the person, graduate or transferred to the search for a new job or activity level or conditions similar to those of his former occupation as quickly as possible. "

The contribution of psychology
The contribution of psychology to these transition processes work is significantly important, especially in the initial stages, both in the initial psychological support, such as psychometric assessments of skills, occupational guidance, counseling and job search market. The emphasis of this task is also addressed to those who are to retire either naturally or early, providing training, enabling them to establish a strategy to plan your life plan extra course work and prepare to live a better quality of life, which undoubtedly play an important role in the family should be prepared, which should be no extreme protectionism or with indifference.

What about the quality of life for retirees?
People whose parents are retired, it is usual to assume extremely protectionist attitudes, prevent the retirement you shop at the store just because it could be hit by a car, avoid going to water the garden of the house because they fear they might catch a cold, talking in low voices of the problems that exist at home or at work, for fear that the retiree will listen and suddenly can cause blood pressure problems, heart or other ailments.
Failure to share with them things and end protectionism do not do anything right, the retiree feels marginalized, depressed and worse maybe even useless for all a burden on the family, the mental faculties may feel weak and so on., In short the attitudes of family members do more than produce a slow death for him.
Instead we must support them in activities they would like to do, like gardening, carpentry, drawing, etc., Suddenly writing a book about his experiences starting a business, continue working as a consultant to the company in which worked or other, is a person with so much experience that could take advantage of his wisdom, his advice, to have her join our projects and activities of the family, which has a connection with old friends, to make the trip they always wanted done and not done for work reasons.
These people deserve a decent life and the best way to achieve is to feel useful to all who live with him.
In the decade of the 40 American psychologists Retirement Board was called to the activity which provided counseling and guidance for people to retire so they could plan your life outside work in a dignified way.

My Dog Has Black Marks On His Skin

Edgar Eslava Arnao
Master and Doctor Organizational Psychology
business consultant and speaker management and Management
Lima, Peru

Who does not have someone in your family currently unemployed? The answer is probably yes in most cases, you may know little about what it means to lose their jobs, even now appears to be a very common situation becomes substantive argument for some TV series.
Job loss is considered by psychologists as one of the strongest and disruptive life events, calculated each year affecting 10 million people worldwide.
psychophysical effects faced by people who are in this situation, take the form of anxiety, heavy damage to self-esteem, guilt, impaired self-concept, psychosomatic symptoms, irritability, hypertension, stress, depression, abandonment and can cause severe pathologies such as alcoholism or other psychoactive substance addiction. It usually affects the deterioration of psychological health, the welfare loss and dissatisfaction with life.
These and more are common signs for people who have been dismissed from a company. At the family level, in the case of the dismissal of head of household, family relationships become strained gradually, or cold distant, increasing friction and discussions, the lack of tolerance, social friction and change of roles that eventually forces the wife if she works to meet the livelihood of the household or to find a job if age and qualification required permits, the male will therefore be forced to deal with domestic issues. Disturbances including children reach school age, their parents will be forced to change schools or university in particular of which were in a state simply because the economic situation is not the same.
have been reported in the unemployed, even extreme reactions against dismissal, such as aggression (Burn the workplace) or other character intrapunitivo (Suicide). The case is more serious when the head of household spends 40 years of age will not be easy getting a job soon and even worse if you do not have the required technical skills and will have to settle venture into activities or trades below which was never used, or a first time to represent a decent job with their social environment.
For the removal of senior executives, as reported by Temple (2001), people think that those who leave these positions or positions of power, do with all that money and contacts that should have no problem to continue their careers. The hard truth is that more power and lost position is even more difficult to adapt to new situations and logically to live without power. It happens that many executives find it difficult to stand and reconsider its new identity, go back to the flat face Unanswered phone calls, invitations and greetings that fail, doors that do not open as before, and realize you have less friends those who believed. It is important to do so, as she has power and position, avoid isolation and vanity that it can bring, not accustomed to listen only to those who tell us what we want to hear or who always claim to be our faithful contributors.
Loneliness in these positions can achieve disconnected from market realities, the organization and our own life become inflexible worse victims of our own success. Many times the "lack of time and interest leads us not to use real time to our family, to devote to the limelight and social gatherings at the same time to forget old friends, each call is not returned or a friend unattended, it will be later charged with interest.
Among the reasons for the separation work in recent years, first explained that the working world is really changing significantly as a result of globalization of the economy, technological development, the mergers of companies, closures, reductions, restructuring, outsourcing (outsourcing services), the reconfiguration of jobs, the change in load profile, reducing payroll , among others. Here are some of the consequences of this global phenomenon that affects all countries.
technological innovation and adaptation to the modern world is now a strategic imperative of life for all organizations, which must commit firmly to ensure their survival in an increasingly competitive environment and changing, it inevitably requires companies need to optimize the efficiency of staff and therefore the quality of their products or services.
Secondly, among the root causes of this change are economic downturns of the 80 - 90, which is still more acute today, coupled with the long decline in global competitiveness of companies, causing many firms to innovate technology overburdening staff, feeling slow and inefficient.
Thirdly, a key reason is the lack of foresight of some workers covered in the "Traditional job security" or contacts or affinity with prominent executives, made little effort to upgrade and continuously trained to optimize their professional skills, personal and labor, a condition sine qua non to stay in employment, emphasizing the need to maintain a personal marketing that favors an assertive behavior and positive interpersonal relationships at all levels, projecting trust, loyalty and commitment within your team and to their superiors.
Fourthly, we believe that the high competitiveness and supply the markets with the consequent inability to maintain prices in the goods and / or services is generating ever smaller profit margins, is one of the reasons that have led many companies have been forced to reduce staff costs to maintain and increase their profits, which led to the downsizing (reduction of the structure and personnel costs) is one of the alternatives to implement and therefore these programs have not been a mere cyclical phenomenon but a trend that is still relevant in all countries, with serious impact on developing countries as Peru, where mass was applied from the 90's, without taking into account an effective outplacement program in the institutions and public enterprises and the private, ever increasing the number of unemployed and likely to be increasing.
In the last decade, comes in many American, European and Latin American countries a management tool with great psychological stress, called "Outplacement Program" to cope with the trauma of redundancy and make the worker's earnings is not a fatal situation without solution but as a new challenge to face towards finding a new job or occupation.
Organizations should consider in our country, in the near future this technique, as a real response to their moral concerns, making a mea culpa and trying to make "a farewell without pain" or "less pain", treating the impact of dismissal is not traumatic both for workers to dissociate themselves and those who remain in the organization, affecting as little as possible the psychological atmosphere that will surely today's business in these conditions is fraught with tensions, uncertainties and fears.
Outplacement programs (OPC) is a collection of strategies to support, counseling and technical assistance to those persons subject to a labor detachment. First was named decruiment or dehired, is attributed to North coining the term "Outplacement" which does not have a specific translation in English. The most accepted definition is attributed to Kabana R. (1987) who defines this technique as "a process of consulting, support, guidance and training aimed at the person for graduation or be transferred to the search for a new job or activity level or conditions similar to those of his previous occupation in the shortest possible time. "
The contribution of psychology to these transition processes work is significantly important, especially in the early stages of the process, both psychological support as psychometric assessments of skills, occupational guidance, counseling and job search market. The emphasis of this work is also aimed at those getting ready to retire either naturally or early, providing training, assisting in the company of a family, allowing them to establish a strategy to plan your life plan extra course work and prepare to live with a level of desirable quality of life and in which undoubtedly play an important role in the family.
OPC benefits to the organization that developed this program with the respective external counseling are many, we summarize the most important
  • Recognize that the human factor is really important as a major strategic asset for organizational development.
  • OPC process taking place in the organization is itself a moral commitment that magnifies and enhances the values \u200b\u200bof the same.
  • Maintaining credibility and confidence of staff to the executive executing the program, having performed with an appropriate moral criterion and with respect to the working class.
  • secure and maintain the company's ongoing commitment, motivation, dedication and loyalty of workers who continue working.
  • Flexible and sensitize staff to accept and meet the new demands that the environment changes, in which participation is inevitable process as the main "strategic partner" and lead partner. Providing support for
  • a successful transition, helping the worker to accept the plans for "voluntary retirement and reconciled," allowing a separation without further trauma to the organization and staff, minimizing labor disputes and restore dignity to the contributor.
  • Strengthen and maintain the good image of the organization to its customers, suppliers, financial institutions and general public.
OPC benefits for employees terminated are:
  • With the participation of workers in a program of OPC, in a short time can overcome the personal and family crisis and trauma that may have resulted in the dismissal untimely; transforming the crisis into an opportunity for professional and personal development.
  • give participants the opportunity to consider all options for planning your career, family and social, with the ability to develop and launch a new business plan.
  • Reduce the unemployment period, achieving a more rapid relocation in the labor market, taking training in the most effective techniques for finding a new job, cope appropriately in job interviews, develop a winning resume and especially strengthen self-esteem and personality. Publicize
  • that has skills in order to start a business own.
In our country we will mention the work done by DBM of Peru, an organization that is successfully developing outplacement programs, aimed primarily at executives Peruvians.
An additional contribution in the country, is the quasi research findings experimental developed in 2000 by the author of this note to let him choose the degree of Master in Organizational Psychology.
In this research studied the differences in levels of depression, self-image and adaptation in a group of dismissed workers occupationally involved in an OPC program (experimental group) comparison with another group of workers who were not involved equally unrelated to the program (Control group).
The results obtained according to the applied statistical tests and retests administered were quite satisfactory for workers who participated in the OPC program, showing a substantial improvement in self-image and depression levels of adaptation, compared with those not involved in that program.

  • Served with sources of four-dimensional diagnosis Questionnaire for Depression Fernández Alonso (CET-DE), The Self Concept Scale Morris Rosenberg and Questionnaire Adaptation of Hugh M. Bell.

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Psychological aspects of organizational change management

Anna Volodina
Degree in documentología
Masters in Psychology
Masters in Human Resources Management

published March 30, 2010

can characterize the contemporary world as the world of permanent change. Since change is inevitable, try to get used to it to take advantage and be more competent. The process of change is a complicated process because it touches people, emotional beings through the process of change, show different reactions, but have in common is resistance. Managers need to know about managing change. They can choose how, since there are different ways, one of which is focused on the development and training staff.

Introduction The subject of the psychological aspects of organizational change management is very relevant today. In the world we live in, everything changes very fast, raw materials, technology, communications, information etc. We can say that there is nothing permanent except change. The issue of management development is linked to the management of change as concepts change and development are interlinked, as development aid to change and any change is a development for employees of the organization.
Is it so necessary to make changes? Why Why is it so difficult to manage change in organizations? How do the employees during the process of change and why? Is it positive or negative resistance?, Are some of the questions that arise in this article.
The issue of change management is nothing new, during the eighties and nineties made its appearance, is currently in strong expansion and development, there are many books and articles devoted to this subject, which can be divided into three groups: those that explain the theory of change, ie, that is change, what types of change are, as it develops the process of change (Ronco, Lladó, Reig, Fernandez; López Aguilar), which develop only one aspect of change management (Amorós, Kinsey Goman, Hay Group) and those who have the experience of change management process in a particular company or in a particular sector. An example is the project in the Leisure Division and Equipment Mondragón Corporación Cooperativa (MCC) on management development, whose motto is "management development: are the product of change," Molina Castello author distinguishes three types of change in the commercial sector . Making changes, we must take account of the theory of change (can not do anything without previous knowledge), you can read about the experience of other companies, but can not be copied the process of change, since there are no organizations are alike, each organization has specific strategies, policies that are not transferable to other companies and that is why every director, making changes, you have to "invent" the development of process changes.
Today, most organizations understand that they need to make changes to develop. Failure to achieve changes, the company will retain the same, with what is known and comfortable, but can not survive in the world where competition reigns. Each company has to understand what and manage change to survive, taken to the environment, since the change management is the management of the future. So we can say that the change has a positive value.
Each organization consists of people and thus make organizational change means transforming the behavior of people. The process of change is complicated because the change is introduced people and affects people, or people are the cause and purpose. People are very emotional, much of the behavior of people is based on emotions. Throughout the process of organizational change, starting from the beginning, from the decision-making and the diagnosis is the need to make the change, the decisions and the attitude of the manager usually collide with the emotions of employees. The main mistake is to think about change as an event that is not linked with emotions. The manager must understand that it is very difficult to make organizational change and be flexible.
Today many use the word "flexibility", but not everyone understands their meaning. For example, according to Hay Group, flexibility in management is "the willingness and ability to change structures and processes within management as necessary to implement the strategy of changing its organization." Applying the flexibility to change management can be defined as "provision of certain things, to give up when you need to do something with ease."
What is the main attitude of employees cope with change? They are opposed, consciously or unconsciously, to change. That is, in any process of change can be noticed the phenomenon of "resistance." Resistance to change is a very normal and usual. To better understand the process of resistance, it is necessary to understand the reasons, which may be causes of it.

The pyramid of resistance to change.
The first reason is that sometimes the workers do not have enough information about the change and tend to delay the change, which is seen as certain form of resistance. Normally there are two reasons for the lack of information from the workers: the lack of communication about the proposed change and change overly biased (the judge negatively employee tends to change only what is happening in their sphere of influence (your workgroup, department or sector), without taking into account the benefits that can bring change for the company in total).
Another situation is possible: the employees have sufficient information about the change, but resist change just because they perceive that they can change (think they have the skills required by the new situation, do not know how to do what they should do.) Different sensations such immobility caused some perceived as resistance to change. Among the factors contributing to this can highlight the following:
  • The type of organizational culture that punishes overly error.
  • The lack of individual ability, which limits the specific power.
  • Difficulties teamwork necessary to review the whole scheme of interaction proposed change.
  • The perceived lack of resources (financial or human resources).
  • The feeling that real change can not occur.
can also happen, that employees know enough about the change, they feel capable of doing, but do not want change because they believe they do not want. These reactions can from such feelings, as
  • The disagreement on the premises or the reasoning on which the change is sustained.
  • uncertainty: the effects of the new system are not entirely predictable, that causes fear for lack of confidence in their results.
  • loss of identity.
  • The need to work more, people think that change should not only continue to do old tasks but also to start making new ones.
One of the main causes of resistance is the fear of losing something (power, status, security, territory, etc.), since all employees know that every change takes a loss. The Hay Group think "resistance is a clear demonstration of the ability of a system to protect your identity and integrity and therefore its stability."
In almost all large-scale changes or may arise in some way and to some extent the sentiments above, but it is also true that there may be some positive feelings such as, for example, enthusiasm for the possibility of a better future the release of the old problems, expectations of personal development.
Is negative resistance? Many researchers say it is bad, but they insist on providing strategies to address resistance to change and minimize the process along. Thus, among the main ways of reducing resistance highlights the involvement of people in the process of change (change is participatory, as opposed to tax changes, imposed from the top down with no possibility of any change). It seems to be easy, since people are the main part of this process, but this is very complicated: there are views of many employees and the process can become chaotic, the manager may lose control.
There are opinions that the antonym of resistance is "acceptable" but you can not say completely the case, because at the end of the resistance to change always comes acceptance. It would therefore be correct to define "resistance to change" as an opposition process, denial of change, which ends with acceptance. Moreover, one can say that when the resistance ends, it ends the process of change, or rather, the phase "change" the process of change, as Kurt Lewin, any process of change involves three phases: "unfreeze" , "change" and "freeze", since much of the success of change is to be accepted by the employees of the company.
is rare that some authors divide the resistance in type, but basically you can talk about the active and passive resistance. The worst way is passive resistance, because if a person has every emotion in itself, is worse for both the individual and the organization: once exploited the emotions of everyone and the organization "falls into the precipice." Some authors (Ronco, Lladó) highlight forms and degrees of resistance, which depend on the magnitude of change and its impact on the culture of the organization.
resistance can be divided into types, but the main thing is to understand that there was resistance, there is and over every change process is an essential stage of this process, as eventually we must accept is more helpful to think of it as something positive.
as emotional phenomena change, out of fear, creates uncertainty, mistrust, tension, etc. At first sight it seems that the emotions that occur during the process of change are many. If the analyzing is that there is wide range of emotions, it is useful for managers to list them for study in order to do after a behavioral strategy during the change, provide the support mechanisms required for each position in the process change. This is necessary to make an important observation: the change can be made as long as it is a planned strategy addressed, since when spontaneous changes, the situation is complicated by allowing more difficulties in the process.
for people to "endure" the best change is necessary to develop in them the competition "adaptability to change." Martha Alles in his dictionary offers a definition of this competition: "It is the ability to adapt and adjust to changes. It refers to the ability to modify their own behavior to achieve certain objectives when difficulties arise, new information or changes in the environment. is associated with behavioral versatility to adapt to different contexts, situations, resources and personnel quickly and properly. involves lead his group in terms the correct understanding of the changing scenarios in the policies of the organization. "Today, when competency management is very fashionable, there are many possibilities to develop them. With the employee who needs to develop competence" adaptability to change " You can start with the coaching. You can use the "lifeline" that is, ask the employee to draw a line and mark it considers the most significant dates from his birth until now. Then you can ask to add other information considered important, with emphasis on changes in his life, and reflect on them.
The final steps of this process can be "mentoring" a phase where it is necessary to discuss the changes that the mentee wants to do and then set goals. The last phase may be the "empowerment" so that the employee has the ability to make changes.
Speaking of development, this is done for employees to maintain external competitiveness, learning the latest technology and managerial and technical skills to improve the performance of their duties. If a company there is a good development policy, knowledge of the employees are increased and, little by little, the employees will have less fear when making any changes in the organization. Learn something helps However, training can involve employees in the process of change (if the manager chooses to do so), and at the same time generating real change.
So we can say that one of the main challenges of current business management is to consider "change" as something natural and necessary within the organization. As resistance is a major phenomenon of the change process and is inevitable, managers must learn to manage it, because doing so successfully may carry out any process of change without problems. Managing change means managing resistance.
development management, and change management have much in common: are necessary for every organization and every organization must develop its own training and development and change management system, because these things can not be copied, are specific to each company.

  • López Aguilar, J. (2003). New Trends in Change Management. Madrid.
  • Alles, M. (2005). Management skills (dictionary). Buenos Aires: Ediciones Granica.
  • Castello Molina, Jaime (2008). The drivers of change in business. MK Marketing & Sales, 239, 58-65.
  • Jack González, L. (2008). MCC case: a passion for people development. Human capital, 219, 96-100.
  • Hay Group. (2004). Skills: Key to integrated management of human resources. Barcelona, \u200b\u200b2004.
  • Kinsey Goman, C. (2000). The Biggest Mistakes in Managing Change. Innovative Leader, 9, 12.
  • Lewin, K (1988). Field theory in social science. Barcelona.
  • Reig, E., Fernandez, J., Jauli, I. (2003). Resources human-oriented organizations and learning effectiveness. Madrid.
  • Ronco, E., Lladó, E. (2000). Learning to manage change. Barcelona.