Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Shiny Soft Reset Pokemon Emerald

A change in the way people consume music at a profit.

consumer paper adopts variants and is caused by technological progress and access to new versions of the same consumer product is still wanting or needing something but the way of satisfaction or even the duration of satisfaction change. That happens to music, taste remains, even in an eclectic way, but the way of acquiring music has changed, because the way to get it extended through file sharing programs from computer to computer.

then compared to commercial concerns, the proposed open music model based on current use of P2P and the success you have, is a response to changing consumer behavior, which is given in terms of sharing facilities with unrestricted use formats and make preserving freedom of choice in both the use of programs such as the purchase process.

Therefore, the proposal to charge a monthly fee for a consumer to download an unlimited line responds to what they are willing to make online music consumers. You pay for access to be bulky is of commercial interest, if you see the effect on existing network systems to share and would be even greater to be known that the exchange is Free! Because I would have much interest in themselves known and at the same time for decision makers market could use the technology to know what is copied, which is acceptable to the majority ... what sells!

is to assimilate the behavior of consumption and even facilitate, to be greater than consumption, so that number might be achieved to receive benefits. The advantage to meet consumer needs directly, following the search, facilitating the purchase of related products, means that even the replicas are no longer striking, original if you can get what hack or download lower quality versions.

Furthermore creations compensation is ensured by the follow-up provided to the user downloads and can be associated so that each discharge is given part, which when accumulated can be more than significant. For this payment you must open to allow access both as downloads and especially knowing that the largest consumer segment (teenagers) do not always have bank accounts or credit cards.

Finally, the competition would be open and that means more opportunities, improving the quality and no monopolies, of course this will not be very interested to have control of the market, but sooner or later when conditions lobby, the open market of music will be the best possible alternative to losses or initiatives that did apply and obtain success.

Laura Rojas


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