Monday, February 19, 2007

Magic Eraser Stovetop

cultural hegemony can be now?

dominant culture is composed of other cultures that have adapted, imitated or borrowed redefined as part of a free processes to continue and sometimes controlled and others are favorable, and the latter being the case for what the market culture.

culture as a productive activity and consumption element is of interest to the power dynamics and therefore always give as much enforcement as reflected resistance globally, regionally and locally.

But when the production of culture and interests beyond the borders according to use to facilitate, as now, with digitalization and network available in culture, diffusion-and wide with the development of the media - is more even with the possibilities of the Internet.

power was needed media, mass production to cover costs, ensure a market for profit or achieved penetration strategies changes in cultural tastes, but now it changes. With the digital culture, it is possible to know the products of other cultures in the network or even to consume their products and also if this is done for free, the exchange will be higher. Causing suspicion to conservation and concern to industrial culture.

The question is to discover the variables given change in the process of transformation that occurs in the market of culture to implement the strategies for both the evolution of culture in terms of expanding borders, meeting and changes in consumer tastes, as produce consumer items consistent with those changes.

The reference is in history, every time a change has been raised by various inventions have been unwell and then to adapt both the technology and their implications. With TIC'sy digital creative production in the same thing can happen, and in matters of production and consumption are giving solutions to the various concerns of legal, social economic and then will get to know people, so that by giving use may be incorporated into everyday life giving pattern to the transformation of culture.



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