Saturday, February 3, 2007

Pink Cervical Mucus After Implantation

Novelists penal code and piracy begins the course

David Bravo has prepared a fun "Test of nonsense" by comparing the severity of penalties for crimes of piracy with other crimes. I copy here the text of the test:

to interpret r to correct to mind the Code Pen to the siguiendo to the logical to to PLIC to of fear in the to industri to I consider that to that to reproductions, distribution and public communic tion to to the OBR in int s the ectu to those now in den cu lquier benefit or utilid to be of of the ictiv to . P r to to the it, he to CTIC with this easy-to test. Following l to interpret to tion that h to ce l to industri to

d the to 270 days RTICLE the Pen Code to l, the ige what l to to ction Consider to d to m to greater gr to ved to d:


( to ) Luis desc a rg to a to c to nción Internet.

(b) Luis decides he would rather drive the origin to LYV to to El Corte Inglés to hurt to RLO. A time to to lli, r p to to not to r d two to jes vi, opt for wearing to rse to everyone to a to discogr fc to to . L a sum to hurt than to do not super to 400 euros. RESPONSE

A : L to desc to rg l to to c to nción to be a d the ito with pen to 6 months to two to dren. l The theft to discogr a physi to in El Corte Inglés or Siquier to would to a d the ito, but a simple to to lt f to ( to rt. 623.1 d the Pen Code to l).


to ) Luis is off to rg to a to c to nción Internet.

b) v Luis to to hurt to to r El Corte Ingles as a l v l to to m to not was a fifty to to cts comp for lor v a glob to l 1,000 euros. RESPONSE

A : would continue to be more gr to see l to desc to rg to the Internet. The theft would to a d the ito because super to 400 euros, but would be less a pen to that l to desc to rg to ( to 234 d RTICLE Pen Code the to l).


( to ) Sergio in the full use of its f to cult to des ment to they are off to rg to a to c to nción M to len to Gr ci to to .

(b) Sergio, a neglect of M to len to Gr ci to to , was to your car and see devu the 40 hor to s later. RESPONSE

A: It would be more to gr to see l to desc to to rg. The use of vehicle theft has less to pen, to Under the d RTICLE to 244.1 d the Pen Code to l.


( to ) Eight person to be Interchangeable s to mbi to n copied to your music s to f to vorit to .

(b) Eight person to sp to rticip n to a wheel to a tumultuous It used to a nd means or instruments which may involve the p IGRO their vid so a full physical working to d to .

A RESPONSE: It is less gr to see p to rticip to r a p to the and to p to rticip to the r Interchangeable to MBIO to comp cts. P to rticip to r in a wheel to a tumultuous to have a pen to three months to to to a child feeding ( to rt. 154 d the Pen Code to l) and the interc to MBIO would to a pen to to 6 months to 2 to children ( to rt. 270 d the Pen Code to l).

If to ave gave to you are forced to do to the EGIR between p to rticip to r in a interc to MBIO of copied to CD s op to rticip to r a p to the and to m to siv to , always choose to l segund a opción, que es obvi a mente menos reprob a ble.


( a ) Ju a n copi a l a últim a p el ícul a de su director f a vorito de un DVD que le prest a su secret a ri a Sus a n a .

(b) Ju a n, a provech a ndo su superiorid a d jerárquic a en el tr a b a jo, a cos a sexu to lment to Your to n to . RESPONSE

A : The to sew sexu to L would at least pen to as the RTICLE to 184.2 d the Pen Code to l.


( to ) Peter and his to n to v to n to a school and distributed to to column preschool to r copied to s of p the icle s educ to to tiv to s of nim drawings to two protected to to s copyright and without to utoriz to tion of to uthors.

(b) Peter and his to n to v to n to a school and distributed to the column to preschool to rp the icle s pornográfic to to s prot to goniz to d s growth to to d to s for a l p to to rej. RESPONSE

A : L to at least ction gr to sees is l to distribute to m teri l to pornographic to minors under the RTICLE to 186 d the Pen Code to l. L to circulated to s to m teri l to be copyrighted to a d the ito l to be a consistent profit in the managed to horro by the udir the p to go from origin to cuy them to s copied to to n sh was being circulated.


( to ) R a world in which a prankster , le to Cope to me in your to the latest album from A NDY and Luc to s , diciéndole that the "Kill'em A ll" at the Met llic to .

b) R a world in which a prankster , dej to a to jeringuill to Infect to of to SID In a p to rque public. Answer

In: The second to to bromine to be less gr to to see, to Under the d to 630 d RTICLE the Pen Code to l.


to ) n Ju to photocopy to a to to page of a book.

b) Ju to him n d a p to to r of punching to Zos to your to Migo on the recommendation to go rle to see to p l icle the to " the Los Ang Ch is to rlie." RESPONSE

A : L to to more gr ction to see from a vist to pen to be to l l to " to " since l to play, even p to rci to l, would one day to the ito with a pen 6 months to two to dren in prison and a mult 12- to 24 months. The Puñet to zOS, if not precisely to were a to to resistance to Medic to or quirúrgic a , serí a n t a n solo un a f a lt a en virtud de lo dispuesto en el a rtículo 617 en r el a ción con el 147 d el Código Pen a l.

¡¡¡H a l a , ch a v a lotes, y a s a beis: peg a d, viol a d, a cos a d, rob a d pero no useis el emule!!!

Autor: David Bravo es abogado y experto en derechos de autor. Recientemente has published "copy this book under Creative Commons license, available in paper and digital format.

Note: These laws corespond the Criminal Code of Spain


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