Saturday, February 17, 2007

Magnetic Earrings Newborns

And what about the desire to possess?

There are words that we are striking even if they are in the midst of a chaotic bunch of advertising are the first thing meets the eye: FREE, Free (open bar!) or Test and Sale. That in the event that it is not something public, like the air we breathe.
I have no examples of public and me comes to mind what is really Free or Free?, If in fact most of us like things belong to us or at least be recognized belonging. So it is contradictory to want something free and the time to assume that recognition of the property.
But it is a reality and more if it comes to profit, then what could be public or what you may recognize someone for their discovery goes into the eyes of those who want to own or use.

For Internet, which is now part of everyday life and culture, what happens or changes in the network affects the users and therefore its use is perceived as a need or a right, but the Internet has been evolving faster than the ability to regulate what is in it and with it passes laws and if in real space is shared freely in some cases, they do on the internet the issue is different, then the property must be protected somehow!.

And the reaction is more regulation to protect the creative efforts of those who can benefit business and have the rights to use while anyway, and is a habit of using the benefits of the Internet, its possibilities, its efficiency, so that as other advances in communication have occurred in the past to assume the impact of concern by what we possess, so that you can lose or what you can win. Meaning

free culture, which calls for intellectual property, asking members of the digital culture, which must come from common sense to take the changes that occur in culture with the impact of digital space are a number of issues that need to explore, interpret and take a whole and think about strategies to keep the property and the same time receive freely. ROJAS LAURA


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