Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Shiny Soft Reset Pokemon Emerald

A change in the way people consume music at a profit.

consumer paper adopts variants and is caused by technological progress and access to new versions of the same consumer product is still wanting or needing something but the way of satisfaction or even the duration of satisfaction change. That happens to music, taste remains, even in an eclectic way, but the way of acquiring music has changed, because the way to get it extended through file sharing programs from computer to computer.

then compared to commercial concerns, the proposed open music model based on current use of P2P and the success you have, is a response to changing consumer behavior, which is given in terms of sharing facilities with unrestricted use formats and make preserving freedom of choice in both the use of programs such as the purchase process.

Therefore, the proposal to charge a monthly fee for a consumer to download an unlimited line responds to what they are willing to make online music consumers. You pay for access to be bulky is of commercial interest, if you see the effect on existing network systems to share and would be even greater to be known that the exchange is Free! Because I would have much interest in themselves known and at the same time for decision makers market could use the technology to know what is copied, which is acceptable to the majority ... what sells!

is to assimilate the behavior of consumption and even facilitate, to be greater than consumption, so that number might be achieved to receive benefits. The advantage to meet consumer needs directly, following the search, facilitating the purchase of related products, means that even the replicas are no longer striking, original if you can get what hack or download lower quality versions.

Furthermore creations compensation is ensured by the follow-up provided to the user downloads and can be associated so that each discharge is given part, which when accumulated can be more than significant. For this payment you must open to allow access both as downloads and especially knowing that the largest consumer segment (teenagers) do not always have bank accounts or credit cards.

Finally, the competition would be open and that means more opportunities, improving the quality and no monopolies, of course this will not be very interested to have control of the market, but sooner or later when conditions lobby, the open market of music will be the best possible alternative to losses or initiatives that did apply and obtain success.

Laura Rojas

Monday, February 19, 2007

Magic Eraser Stovetop

cultural hegemony can be now?

dominant culture is composed of other cultures that have adapted, imitated or borrowed redefined as part of a free processes to continue and sometimes controlled and others are favorable, and the latter being the case for what the market culture.

culture as a productive activity and consumption element is of interest to the power dynamics and therefore always give as much enforcement as reflected resistance globally, regionally and locally.

But when the production of culture and interests beyond the borders according to use to facilitate, as now, with digitalization and network available in culture, diffusion-and wide with the development of the media - is more even with the possibilities of the Internet.

power was needed media, mass production to cover costs, ensure a market for profit or achieved penetration strategies changes in cultural tastes, but now it changes. With the digital culture, it is possible to know the products of other cultures in the network or even to consume their products and also if this is done for free, the exchange will be higher. Causing suspicion to conservation and concern to industrial culture.

The question is to discover the variables given change in the process of transformation that occurs in the market of culture to implement the strategies for both the evolution of culture in terms of expanding borders, meeting and changes in consumer tastes, as produce consumer items consistent with those changes.

The reference is in history, every time a change has been raised by various inventions have been unwell and then to adapt both the technology and their implications. With TIC'sy digital creative production in the same thing can happen, and in matters of production and consumption are giving solutions to the various concerns of legal, social economic and then will get to know people, so that by giving use may be incorporated into everyday life giving pattern to the transformation of culture.


How To Aim A Shotgun A Duck Hunting

key economic concepts digital value and limits of review of the book "Information Rules" by Carl Shapiro and Hal Varian.

The introduction of Shapiro and Varian's book "Information Rules" presupposes an economic perspective on digital culture and environment. Its main feature is the Capacity of application of economic principles to the network structure at the same time highlighting its unique character.

The digital revolution opens the world to infinite possibilities and huge commercial potential. But the bubble burst of e-commerce at the end of the last century shows how mirage of infinite growth leading to a widespread failure if not taken into account a number of factors peculiar to the digital economy.

From my point of view, among the basic economic concepts presented highlights a number of keywords that interest me briefly discuss, in its significant aspects and its limitations.

"To begin with fundamental consider the definition of the molecule based Internet information. According to the article " information" is considered anything that can scan and in particular the "information digital is that you can "encode a bit stream" or can be translated into the language of the machine computer. The value of this information depends on how the consumer has to evaluate it.

-information is considered as "good experiential " to indicate the fundamental problem before the experiment (ie evaluate) a product has to buy it. Shapiro and Varian proposes three strategic business to solve this dilemma:

- Browsing: test samples, to experience parts of the product without paying (such as demos of video games ");

- Branding: Creating a brand identity well defined and targeting a selected audience, which makes it the satisfaction of their expectations.

- Reputation: strategy created through cultural and infomediaries through the response (feedback) of the public.

"Another fundamental concept is that of" overload "or of information overload, a typical feature of the network as a virtually infinite capacity to store and provide material to utente.

The risk I insist on this feature is that the consumer is caught in the net loss and sacrifice his attention for a chaotic experience and sterile. For this reason the need to manage information is of primary importance. if not a more digital company is billed Goggle ( that filtered, locates and distributes information) and general business that the philosopher Jeremy Rifkin calls "gatekeepers" who decide which information must pass or less.

But the limits of duo's vision Shapiro-Variant, based on the concept of technology Useful ("+ simple, + fast + cheap"), in my personal opinion is evident in a series of points at which the analysis is incomplete, unable to consider the consequences of the dynamics following:

  1. The network application to control the aggressive policies of mass as the technological level of Web allows web servers to "observe the habits of millions of consumers," or hair have access to personal information utente;
  2. durability of DVDs for storage of information. As an example we can compare the actual average life of a CD (about a hundred years) than a paper book;
  3. Intergenerational Support and the acceleration of technological change, which require continuous updating of knowledge of the tool to access to information, and a change in "forma mentis" which often leaves the older generations apart;
  4. The danger that cultural content is considered simply good and as such has value only if it obtains a trade response.

On this last point I refer to a journalist's account Kapucinski as which currently "information that does not interest the mass has no value."

The site actually brings in its own structure the ability to overcome this limit critical mass culture, that is the absolute necessity of a "critical mass " audience as to derive benefits through cultural production based on quantity rather than quality (just to give you an example, the concept of "best-seller ranks is based on this issue.)

Network, taking advantage of its flexibility and its potentially unlimited supply, is able to attract and bring together a typology of public away from the products offered by multinational entertainment (music, film, etc.).. The creation of a new market for products previously destined to fall into oblivion for failing to attract a minimum number of customers in a short time (the phenomenon of "Long Tail"), therefore represents one of the most important challenges for the future of the Net economy

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Magnetic Earrings Newborns

And what about the desire to possess?

There are words that we are striking even if they are in the midst of a chaotic bunch of advertising are the first thing meets the eye: FREE, Free (open bar!) or Test and Sale. That in the event that it is not something public, like the air we breathe.
I have no examples of public and me comes to mind what is really Free or Free?, If in fact most of us like things belong to us or at least be recognized belonging. So it is contradictory to want something free and the time to assume that recognition of the property.
But it is a reality and more if it comes to profit, then what could be public or what you may recognize someone for their discovery goes into the eyes of those who want to own or use.

For Internet, which is now part of everyday life and culture, what happens or changes in the network affects the users and therefore its use is perceived as a need or a right, but the Internet has been evolving faster than the ability to regulate what is in it and with it passes laws and if in real space is shared freely in some cases, they do on the internet the issue is different, then the property must be protected somehow!.

And the reaction is more regulation to protect the creative efforts of those who can benefit business and have the rights to use while anyway, and is a habit of using the benefits of the Internet, its possibilities, its efficiency, so that as other advances in communication have occurred in the past to assume the impact of concern by what we possess, so that you can lose or what you can win. Meaning

free culture, which calls for intellectual property, asking members of the digital culture, which must come from common sense to take the changes that occur in culture with the impact of digital space are a number of issues that need to explore, interpret and take a whole and think about strategies to keep the property and the same time receive freely. ROJAS LAURA

Thursday, February 15, 2007

What To Do About Rashes From Hypothyroidism

Free Culture and the Digital Age

Internet has become a window to the world. Through this we bring your eyes to a wealth of information. The emphasis is on the existence of a free and uncontrolled flow of such information. This is the main concern, so try to constrict more and more content being distributed on the network. But this is an inconsistency, since the same system condition implies volatility. The aim is to exchange information and any impediment to a greater or lesser extent, can be saved.
Today's society has seen a new way of watching movies, listening to music, read newspapers, buy at the supermarket, mailings, to meetings, make purchases, sales, etc. We have changed our way of life, and in the cultural field, we view the world has widened. "We are in front of a paradigm shift?
Society is varied and changing the way it should be the culture that has access. Restrict culture, is to restrict the formation of the subject and by extension all of humanity. Internet piracy can not be a spear of fire that stifle the dissemination of culture. Creators and consumers of creation can not see their horizons apart after a fierce commercialism.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Suction Cups Stick Bathtub

tips for business information are all

The information society is important to understand because the information is business.

wings One approach promises to Information Rules.

A world with many forms of interaction seems small but is very complex to the extent that ICTs allow people access to almost infinite resources, this I know the industries that produce both information and infrastructure to achieve it. The race is long, but those speeds are part they are, to produce progress.
Amid all the event is a series of moves to adapt the world to the circumstances, covering social, political and economic.

Information rules, is provided as a guide for that series of moves and changes, based on his knowledge experience, explain concepts and strategies for understanding the economy of the network, that the intricate web of information technology is expanded to give ideas on how to make business decisions.

control the market and what this means to potential competitors for the Web has special programs related to infrastructure must meet the hardware and this decreases the possibilities about to depend on others, making them vulnerable or in other case creating interesting collaborative dynamics

Everything that can be converted into bits of information are goods that have different values \u200b\u200bfor consumers and tries to find out how much they are willing to pay to get it or what value to give potential consumers and that is the importance of developing strategies to produce as much as information technology infrastructure required to access it.

Do you have a cost that can be raised by fixed costs and despite being so reproduction is cheap, why prices should be applied according to the value that gives the consumer to identify the market and the appropriate segments various strategies, the most important thing is to delay the output economic release products, then secure the production privatizing or securing patents and intellectual property rights that focus on the value of the information, to somehow recover the costs of production.

The point is that in so far as the network seeks to broaden access to the voiceless, while those with access to information even not part of a culture of respect for production use and value of that information, then you have come to believe not only in laws that regulate prices if not to access it and that means that think and live like reality, a space with its rules, relationships, values, etc, like any social group. I still think the difficulty is that it is not known yet what the information society by those who are the society.

On the other hand there are contradictory behavior and acceptance of new proposals without losing the more conservative tastes so that revenues are also obtained. That depends on the consumer experience, strategies so as to let consumers try a little of the product or to remind you what has preferred before its quality, brand loyalty and connection to the image that identifies and reputation. But that's just the beginning, then make a list of what you summarize the book:

Problems in the information economy

  • launching and retrieving information
  • costs and little attention
  • Saturation
  • Utility Location
  • Support Costs
  • change closed after markets closed
  • Update
  • Market fluctuations
  • introduce new information products when the consumer is not ready to understand
  • Fast technological developments
  • monopolistic market

And of course how to deal and cope

Strategic Elements of the network solution that offers:

  • Using statistics to determine patterns of consumer behavior million immediately.
  • Databases demographic and historical consumer
  • Using data to design products according to consumer taste and therefore more valuable.
  • Making alliances with colleagues and partners to ensure compatibility
  • Think exchange systems
  • Understand information systems and complementary products
  • Detect opportunities positive feedback in consumption, network externalities and standardization to establish customer bases
  • Penetration Pricing Management
  • expectations
  • the introduction of products or their changes
  • behaviors follow the market demand
  • Coalitions strategic partnerships and complementary providers
  • have competitors in the game
  • Implement efforts to create products and formal situations and / or standard
  • antitrust policies

It is obvious that the authors make explicit that what they write is not set trends, but are based on economic principles that have been maintained, tested and implemented. As if looking models posed

Nor is a vocabulary if not the approach of useful concepts or analogies of corporate strategies for information technology, but it is a test.

So that is what is given is an interpretation given in that line.


Saturday, February 3, 2007

Movies Gratis De Mario Salieri

The publisher Penguin has mounted a novel collaborative internet following the Wiki format.

Pink Cervical Mucus After Implantation

Novelists penal code and piracy begins the course

David Bravo has prepared a fun "Test of nonsense" by comparing the severity of penalties for crimes of piracy with other crimes. I copy here the text of the test:

to interpret r to correct to mind the Code Pen to the siguiendo to the logical to to PLIC to of fear in the to industri to I consider that to that to reproductions, distribution and public communic tion to to the OBR in int s the ectu to those now in den cu lquier benefit or utilid to be of of the ictiv to . P r to to the it, he to CTIC with this easy-to test. Following l to interpret to tion that h to ce l to industri to

d the to 270 days RTICLE the Pen Code to l, the ige what l to to ction Consider to d to m to greater gr to ved to d:


( to ) Luis desc a rg to a to c to nción Internet.

(b) Luis decides he would rather drive the origin to LYV to to El Corte Inglés to hurt to RLO. A time to to lli, r p to to not to r d two to jes vi, opt for wearing to rse to everyone to a to discogr fc to to . L a sum to hurt than to do not super to 400 euros. RESPONSE

A : L to desc to rg l to to c to nción to be a d the ito with pen to 6 months to two to dren. l The theft to discogr a physi to in El Corte Inglés or Siquier to would to a d the ito, but a simple to to lt f to ( to rt. 623.1 d the Pen Code to l).


to ) Luis is off to rg to a to c to nción Internet.

b) v Luis to to hurt to to r El Corte Ingles as a l v l to to m to not was a fifty to to cts comp for lor v a glob to l 1,000 euros. RESPONSE

A : would continue to be more gr to see l to desc to rg to the Internet. The theft would to a d the ito because super to 400 euros, but would be less a pen to that l to desc to rg to ( to 234 d RTICLE Pen Code the to l).


( to ) Sergio in the full use of its f to cult to des ment to they are off to rg to a to c to nción M to len to Gr ci to to .

(b) Sergio, a neglect of M to len to Gr ci to to , was to your car and see devu the 40 hor to s later. RESPONSE

A: It would be more to gr to see l to desc to to rg. The use of vehicle theft has less to pen, to Under the d RTICLE to 244.1 d the Pen Code to l.


( to ) Eight person to be Interchangeable s to mbi to n copied to your music s to f to vorit to .

(b) Eight person to sp to rticip n to a wheel to a tumultuous It used to a nd means or instruments which may involve the p IGRO their vid so a full physical working to d to .

A RESPONSE: It is less gr to see p to rticip to r a p to the and to p to rticip to the r Interchangeable to MBIO to comp cts. P to rticip to r in a wheel to a tumultuous to have a pen to three months to to to a child feeding ( to rt. 154 d the Pen Code to l) and the interc to MBIO would to a pen to to 6 months to 2 to children ( to rt. 270 d the Pen Code to l).

If to ave gave to you are forced to do to the EGIR between p to rticip to r in a interc to MBIO of copied to CD s op to rticip to r a p to the and to m to siv to , always choose to l segund a opción, que es obvi a mente menos reprob a ble.


( a ) Ju a n copi a l a últim a p el ícul a de su director f a vorito de un DVD que le prest a su secret a ri a Sus a n a .

(b) Ju a n, a provech a ndo su superiorid a d jerárquic a en el tr a b a jo, a cos a sexu to lment to Your to n to . RESPONSE

A : The to sew sexu to L would at least pen to as the RTICLE to 184.2 d the Pen Code to l.


( to ) Peter and his to n to v to n to a school and distributed to to column preschool to r copied to s of p the icle s educ to to tiv to s of nim drawings to two protected to to s copyright and without to utoriz to tion of to uthors.

(b) Peter and his to n to v to n to a school and distributed to the column to preschool to rp the icle s pornográfic to to s prot to goniz to d s growth to to d to s for a l p to to rej. RESPONSE

A : L to at least ction gr to sees is l to distribute to m teri l to pornographic to minors under the RTICLE to 186 d the Pen Code to l. L to circulated to s to m teri l to be copyrighted to a d the ito l to be a consistent profit in the managed to horro by the udir the p to go from origin to cuy them to s copied to to n sh was being circulated.


( to ) R a world in which a prankster , le to Cope to me in your to the latest album from A NDY and Luc to s , diciéndole that the "Kill'em A ll" at the Met llic to .

b) R a world in which a prankster , dej to a to jeringuill to Infect to of to SID In a p to rque public. Answer

In: The second to to bromine to be less gr to to see, to Under the d to 630 d RTICLE the Pen Code to l.


to ) n Ju to photocopy to a to to page of a book.

b) Ju to him n d a p to to r of punching to Zos to your to Migo on the recommendation to go rle to see to p l icle the to " the Los Ang Ch is to rlie." RESPONSE

A : L to to more gr ction to see from a vist to pen to be to l l to " to " since l to play, even p to rci to l, would one day to the ito with a pen 6 months to two to dren in prison and a mult 12- to 24 months. The Puñet to zOS, if not precisely to were a to to resistance to Medic to or quirúrgic a , serí a n t a n solo un a f a lt a en virtud de lo dispuesto en el a rtículo 617 en r el a ción con el 147 d el Código Pen a l.

¡¡¡H a l a , ch a v a lotes, y a s a beis: peg a d, viol a d, a cos a d, rob a d pero no useis el emule!!!

Autor: David Bravo es abogado y experto en derechos de autor. Recientemente has published "copy this book under Creative Commons license, available in paper and digital format.

Note: These laws corespond the Criminal Code of Spain