Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Shoppers Drug Mart Calgary Manic Panic

The poor man's bottle

If almost a month ago talking about how bad eat, today I would like to emphasize something that, contrary to eat, by itself it is evil for our poor liver , why all of us, simpares and disparate beings, when we first started to get out mustache : get us bottles of alcohol as a male Dandy.
However, like most things in this life, there are ways and means: you can drink in moderation, or you can continue reading this entry, which summarize the best ways I know to turn blue with a fraction of the weekly pay that your grandmothers I give you to buy some horchata. Following (or not) a descending order of hardness of the stool that we find in our cups the morning after intake, are:
· beer. Nouns trying to sound like we cross the German head of the titles of Star Wars: Adlerbräu (consumption) or Steinburg (Mercadona) will delight the palates of those who do not know they are cheaper than mineral water. And do not try to take her a place where someone will see you drink, your dignity is also at stake: someone who spends less money on drink one night to give the m endigo del carmen who insults you if you do not Dastmen only deserves to be looked into his face through a telescopic sight. Note that if you live in Alginet and do not feel like drinking hot in the blank space punks will always be willing to sell or Argentines.
· Cubata low-cost. Affordable only if you have friends and you drink in a group, or if you do not have and you're so sad you're going out several days. The naming strategy of these potions infumables copy of the beers: Vodkas knebep or koranov , rum Admiral , gin Sheriton and so on, combined with the shaker selectísima consisting Cola bottle Mercadona of (or in the bowl, stirring with a finger) with the most exotic juices and soft drinks assure us a good pitch and typical competitions to see who makes the busiest mixed drinks ( making, try this ).
· Shots chung. As I write this, the editor tells me to buy a bottle of Captain and brush Tiquela drinks (closing his eyes like south park) is not considered shot. However, skipping all existing censorship, saying that if you are just a few hours of life are so Appreciation (with dreadlocks that you have it) not fear the consequences, you can purchase any chunga and cheap drink consumption or Mercadona and make rounds of games such as I never aided or drive.
· Steal cubatas. The most undignified, dangerous and above all cheap drink. Surround yourself with people who are drinking a sack or whose care is low and takes the best times to get the sail in and out as usual. In some places can also look for the local soil exchangeable for consumption entry, and exchange. If you are in a billet bottle (tarongers) and you are farsighted, arramblaréis whole with bottles before you go home. But doing this pareceréis some junkies to take care. Technical unreliable.
· Sangria. Ave Sangria, conceived without sin. The preferred way to get Oscar pike since 2005 (approx.). Cheap, so tasty that you get drunk without realizing it, and it now comes in bottles ergonomic, if you want to drink while playing sports. The hangover is minimal, is shared and readily available in many grocery and many more. But your gut may be sorry, and some people think that is unpalatable hot (which I think of the beer). Nectar for concert nights (Don simosh) or simple kebab in ministry. With two liters should be sufficient for a young man of 75 kilos would be more than happy (unless 3 euros, if you buy the landowner and not tell you.)
could not close this entry without mentioning something you probably already tried all you will have in your party buffet daily, and was invented by mixing the alcohol Viñarock pm and juice for breakfast: the COCKTAIL MARIPOSCAR , consisting of 1 part vodka (preferably knebep), 2 berry juice and a half of red bull (energy drink is accepted letters blue matrix). Licking the palate.


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