Monday, July 27, 2009

Kavya Madhavan Pregnent

Kings are parents

I've fallen, now that I almost reached the time where there is something to which all post adolescent must face when starting a relationship with a new little girl, a factor that will determine in a reasonably high the future of the above relationship, getting to leave us without having sex, see or even talk to our loved ones. This factor (if you have not deducted for yourself is not the rogue or three) are obviously her parents.

His parents left in the background any good quality that you have: do not care to donate money to the Red Cross, you are studying and working at once, or you've spent the Metal Slug without using any continues, they (especially , the father) always see you as the bastard who wants to fuck her daughter, rather than trying to avoid todĂ­sima coast: not only are willing to force her to have her door open when you're with it or turn the router to an auspicious hour to show you her tits: they are willing to sacrifice the love of their daughters so that their vaginas remain intact small (sometimes even sacrifice their daughters' vaginas as long as you're not the user). Here are some tips to follow as the time to meet her parents:

Do not talk to them as your friends. They are not. should be interested in their professions. Praise him, but with caution: there is a difference between a son who is not interested in the least by those closest to his girlfriend and a intended lameculos get away with it. Make up problems that only someone can solve their profession, wikipédiate. A little research will help barbarities.

• Try not to see you naked. There is no clear indication that you want to fuck your daughter, that being naked in his bed. Try not to take off all your clothes if their parents are at home and there is no latch on the door of the room (you can always braguetasexo). From what I've experienced, could stick kicked and even threatening you to call home a beating if you do not take certain precautions.

• That you look well dressed. Polos and shorts are helped. Comb your hair in any way decent. The piercings, tattoos and torn sneakers who won the heart of your girlfriend just win more than one arch of his parents, who will be happy to get a nickname like "the fool of the pins," the child vampire, "the fag" and many others if you give them the opportunity, in addition to believing that their little girls put in this terrible world of the thugs (although they have gone three times and you shit.)

· Become part of the family . The elderly and younger siblings are your best allies in this fight suegricida. For grandparents, just pay a little attention, they are not used to it and (unless you have good enough vision to see through the expansion) will catch you soon honey. With children more or less the same thing as likely to have a horrible relationship with his older brothers, have mercy on them when someone treats them badly.

· Let them believe you are straightforward and hardworking guy, however, it is worth. Parents have a strange fondness for her children together with children of his friends, and this is something you have to namely weather, if your girlfriend is not enough to pirarse fox with a future surgeon. Talk about what you have carefully worked, your plans for the future, what would you do with your life.

In short, be perfect yet simple. Try also believe that you are his father as he was at your age. And to my readers without a penis and boobs, do not have to follow any of these tips: how far the mother of your boyfriend think that you are a pilindinguis sidosas. To avoid this, just say "hello" before entering the room to fuck. Of course, if you have a man like me will be inevitable.


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