Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How Old Do You Have To Be To Work In A Auto Shop


After weeks of anti-inspiration and input of shit, I decided that I will guide my blog to laugh, and more to write what I want. Sorry.
ever have gone out the night with someone who denies the Holocaust, bring a suit and tie and yet never 3 euros for dinner and know that 90% of things coming out of his mouth is a lie? I do.
Darius is like the sandwiches of chopped popeye: knows how to make the interesting. However, when you take three days by eating it, you realize that's just the flavor of the meat last, really behind all this incredible facade alone is a pretentious baloney proud as could be.
is quite clever and funny. But it mopping up the core. Whatever you have to do to achieve a goal (which always ends up being bizarre sex), it shall: Babyshambles hear when you want to fuck a modern, painted eyes when your target has X in front and behind your nick. He has pretended to be bisexual, Welsh, blonde, brown woman "?, Barney stinson, and a long list of things. It's bad when your career stumbles rushed toward AIDS and want you to open the head, but then you end up saying "Well, it would give the final analysis," and forgive him.
However, we can not blame anything, because the end of the antiempático your condition is probably a result of childhood trauma related to his religious school, or just this world of competition where the only thing that makes sense is namely, fuck, be more. Since then, he is well advanced in this game. Furthermore, it seems to culofino. a hug, Darien.


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