Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How Old Do You Have To Be To Work In A Auto Shop


After weeks of anti-inspiration and input of shit, I decided that I will guide my blog to laugh, and more to write what I want. Sorry.
ever have gone out the night with someone who denies the Holocaust, bring a suit and tie and yet never 3 euros for dinner and know that 90% of things coming out of his mouth is a lie? I do.
Darius is like the sandwiches of chopped popeye: knows how to make the interesting. However, when you take three days by eating it, you realize that's just the flavor of the meat last, really behind all this incredible facade alone is a pretentious baloney proud as could be.
is quite clever and funny. But it mopping up the core. Whatever you have to do to achieve a goal (which always ends up being bizarre sex), it shall: Babyshambles hear when you want to fuck a modern, painted eyes when your target has X in front and behind your nick. He has pretended to be bisexual, Welsh, blonde, brown woman "?, Barney stinson, and a long list of things. It's bad when your career stumbles rushed toward AIDS and want you to open the head, but then you end up saying "Well, it would give the final analysis," and forgive him.
However, we can not blame anything, because the end of the antiempático your condition is probably a result of childhood trauma related to his religious school, or just this world of competition where the only thing that makes sense is namely, fuck, be more. Since then, he is well advanced in this game. Furthermore, it seems to culofino. a hug, Darien.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Cute Gardening Tools For Ladies

When you throw yourself waking up one week only at home with the only company of your hangover, lots of dirty underwear on the floor that are attached to the wheels of your computer chair and pockets pants full of shit sites flyers to those who never thought to go (despite what you say to the public relations shaved, dyed, tattooed on duty), you learn to love your mother. Not because I do everything that needs to be done in a dysfunctional home like yours, but only by the fact that you remember from a long list of tasks in which they had never thought such as:
· Exit to buy food. When you wake up at four you get hungry at six, if you're lucky, still wearing the clothes of the previous day. If not and you have balls, you'll end up going with a pair of sandals Ballantines propaganda, a robe or sweatshirt huge (for under breeches wearing panties) and a hair becomes transparent paper consumption / mercadona nearest buy food, in that order of priority:
1. Bread to make sandwiches with whatever you have in the fridge, or tortillas, or at least toast and pour oil and salt.
2. Coca cola, juices, and other things that do not require more preparation to open a cap and swallow.
3. Croissant, potatoes and white branded goods that will kill the hungry while you get the sandwich with the bread in step 1. • Save
things after use. No you're thinking how lucky you are to have hair dryer, iron, towels, condoms (well, by having it you're not so lucky), food, alcoholic drinks, Orange bills, CDs, old vinyl and cool, old photos and melancholy and blablabla until all this and more is lying on the floor in your room, you are treading on what you click and just Yéndote to sleep in another room so as not to have to fix this fucking mess.
• Give food to the animals. Although the canaries are in a room where ever you go in, and only them, loving mother, the impoverishment of bird seed also need some time to time. In addition, the cat will not stop meowing, ambush you when you walk down the aisle barefoot and start biting the foot can be a clear sign that does not fit I think, do not fix squeezing his ass with the heel. As for cleaning, is something that is best avoided if the absence of ma not going to be very long, and if they will be caught confess to God.
· Details less like picking up the phone, put things back in the refrigerator (warm drinking Coke is terrible), put the towels to dry things off before you leave home, have money to buy food and drink, charging mobile phones (hahaha), have clean tissues, having someone tell me I smell bad and I shower and so on.
I'm also cold, and lack of medical adviser taringa resorted to in order to rid sore throat and ended up vomiting. And that they were independent and was thinking about everything, and this year looks like I will have plenty of gigs. However, I will spend the damn money and pulling me tattooing driver's license to go to party and, eventually, a pine stick. compis goodnight.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Quality Auditor Checklist

Home Alone Live from Long Beach still

Hi all, this is the blog entry more than normal that you will find here, but is that recently I found out that Sublime (my favorite group world for years) will return with new singer (after the original died of an overdose, rest in peace Bradley), and found videos of a surprise concert they did back in February and I flip flip flip.
If you have in mind that I am a person who has fallen to the bootlegs, has half an arm tattooed by them and generally I do a lot of straws thinking of them, I will understand. Until then, if you already had some knowledge flip with the video above and if not, give them a chance with what i got , badfish , doin 'time , etc.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Panasonic Sa-ht740 Fan

Hitting bottom with the tip of the toe

we can not have just one night without much self-destruction ? E No, we can not. Last week was Rocafort and it was Mandanga, but last night was brutal. For all those who were in Rafelbunyol, certainly more than half find some good reason to hate me. And, although it can not order them chronologically, I made a series of pearls that would not occur or the writer in a blind Fish People of ketamine. These are just some of them:
· Leaving consciously (consciously everything that can be drunk) to one of my best friends in a town where there was 10 people per square meter and where the telephone exchange did not begin to run until 9 am, just because I did not have the patience to wait for another back to pee.
· Find my ex, whom I had not seen in nearly two months, and not even tell hi, ask if he had seen Aunt why I left. Then, to top it off, I think I tried to say something conciliatory but surely stammered and try to embrace it, or something. Applause.
· Pull mouth any woman who exchange more than 2 sentences to me, many friends who ridicule me the next time you see them. This is very serious. But long. Especially considering that every single time I chunguísimamente away.
• And many other things as get involved in a concert of typical English rock covers and be sure I could go to play if asked, to send a message "come here" to someone who has no desire to see my fucking face and with whom I have behaved like a true psychopath, Dario banging on the guitar to the point of almost breaking string, viewed as a spent with a tare colegui F1, think of something to eat on the floor and seemed kebab but in the end was vomiting, milena tell his name appear in this entry, all slump to finish on a balcony while everyone is asleep, and so on.
and the worst is that if I did all that, is because in some ways, my superego was not to stop. decadence lives. Suck that, tyler durden.