Friday, March 16, 2007

Leather Bracelets Engave

Someone comes and tells me of an excellent band Uruguayan "candle sow." I wonder if he has a record that I pay. Tell me who walks with some issues your MP3s, listen and think whether or not downloading on my computer. What should I do? I put the candle sow in google and ... see your page. Very nice, very stylish, good design, demos of the songs of records, letters, calendar presentations everywhere (none in Chile). I hear the first 20 seconds that I offer on your page and I think they really are good. Then I open emule and search for the name of the band, I get two archives of two albums of them. Obviously, the low, the next day and are the Incoming folder, the decompress and get a message in readme. Something like support your band and go see them live. I listen to albums in winamp and now. They are so very good, they deserve to be in a cd audio. Not an MP3 where you can come up with anything. No, they deserve an audio cd, one of those that one actually sits to hear and can be played on any audio equipment.

This happens in Santiago de Chile in April 2005. The band's cd I lost it, sure I lent it to a colleague over there and stayed with him or until I dropped the backpack. An original cd is not lost as easily. The thing is that a good number of friends could enjoy this Uruguayan band has never played in Santiago.

Spend time in 2006 I come to Europe, I'm walking by August 1 Berlin and see a poster on the wall. "candle sow" in the SO 36. I tell myself that I can not lose and of course I'm there on time at the entrance trying not to pay the entrance fee but there case, the Germans are inflexible in that (there is also the paranoia over there that if you emule download many things for the program or whatever, are those of an X police to your house and take your hard drive, so far not proven, nor have I heard of anyone but if you think they are heavy with intellectual property .) The thing is that the concert was the shit, and never enjoy the songs of sailing, obviously, I knew all memory disks and had never spent a weight in them. A conversation out there with the band members tell them as I knew and how much I had liked their music live. I commented that I have their albums in mp3, that had fallen over the Internet. They very good vibes are grateful for the conversation and the fervor with which they saw me dancing on stage. I can only thank you for all the time I enjoyed your music. If you can not find the disc from someone, and you're so low, but if you go see him live, go. I ended up inviting a few beers in the bar opposite and I proposed by Berlin places to go and shop around. I hope ever to see them in Montevideo, where they ensure that do their best concerts.


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