Friday, March 16, 2007

Flash Damages In Babys

humans: Technology for the destruction

what can we do? is that all ... all technology, from the femur used as a club to the ARPA project. Almost all the technological advances are due to a military effort: aviation (to bomb), radios and telephones (for communication between armies), advances in chemistry, optics. Bueh: " I decided to love this world as it is. By adopting this attitude I have a very clear feeling better understand that if you criticize or her denounced " Pierre Levy. by a man in his feelings because we are drowning claims and better know what kind of species we know how to stay afloat. I think it's largely useless just complain about cliches as the mercantilist desire creations because it is clear that arms company is much more lucrative than the liberation of man and we know that the world moves by ethical evolution. Can we expect technology to free us in any way? A good road network is certainly awash in information: the large print. If at any time was the " Whole Earth Catalog "to learn to make bombs or to cook a good pot pie now technological change gives us the same thing but in different ways: one example is the page that offers its visitors and creators (the same) that go up the things that they know that others do.

what way has the technology for free?, It has the literature and general knowledge, so if technology makes through the network is ponernosla easier. Search brings us closer, information was provided but we can now find in less than a minute (without the info does not appear within 20 seconds looking elsewhere).

But of course, big buts:

According Internet World Stats, updated in 2004, of the 785 million Internet connected, almost 70% live in industrialized countries, home to 15% of the population. While Europe and the United States added 450 million users throughout the African continent there are only 4. (Source wikipedia DIGITAL DIVIDE). not personally know anyone who does not have email, but the only thing that makes me think is that this planet is too large and heavy load makes me speak of the liberation of man if we are charged to half the population without access to the network. Neither the network nor removes hunger droughts.

is no answer but a question oppositional before going to bed never hurts.



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