Saturday, March 17, 2007

Congratulation Engagement Cards

Riding the long tail. Internet Music

comment on the article "The Long Tail" by Chris Anderson.

The engine of this article is without doubt the imagination. The ability to imagine the possibilities of Internet commerce by establishing an alternative system on the current chain of production-distribution-consumption of cultural material. Anderson is able to overturn the paradigm governing the culture industry today, where "only the big successes deserve to exist" in an idea from my point of view revolutionary for any product there is a hearing, for whatever limited somewhere in the world. It is the discovery of a new market, a typology of groups that "enters the bottom of the catalog, along the list of titles available. "

From this case, the author's address should be structured in a series of oppositions and explore the consequences at various levels (economic, political, philosophical).

limits industry majors are evident at the time which will be faced with technology Internet Network. Compared to the concept of web space, current market culture, based on the philosophy of "least common denominator", the ideal product for the masses, reveals inefficient distribution limits. It is an economic system that needs a critical mass of audience, a place to put material and store displays and having a limited range.

The analysis reveals that Anderson is actually the current trade is a world of scarcity, in which only 20% of production have been big hits, the only that move the market. Everything that is outside of that fifth of the market of multinational entertainment is a long line of products ("the long tail").

But each Again this concept "elitist" is being overcome, considering that companies are becoming aware of the immense amount of products that can be sold. For example, estimates that the potential market for books is twice as large as it seems. In fact, most successful businesses that have been mounted on the Internet concerning the aggregation of contents in "The long tail" in the case of eBay, the exchange of goods out of print or exclusive is an important part of its market.

However, the concept of Anderson moves into territory that goes beyond the factor economic and could be considered as a consequence of the logic inherent within his speech. For him the root cause of elitism is the industry "does not really know what people want, why are we not to know exactly what we want." Given that the Internet no matter where customers are, to the point that no matter what you seek, the most important thing now is that the cultural industry guide assumes the role of "benevolent" and has as objective to help the consumers to "get off the long tail"

"The big trade of the long tail may lead to consumer into the unknown, through a journey of exploration with the evaluation method of feedback. "

With the evaluation system after feedback (consumer response to product tabled), exchange of experiences (the communities) and real-time recommendations, it appears that the basic issue of the philosophy of Socrates, "Know thyself", has found a structure in which the more developed so widely as possible.

"The more people search the catalog, the more you'll like what you find," says Anderson. Will we be able to take advantage of this new era of commercial and cultural paradigm? Or, from another point of view, we shall control up to limits our tastes and our experiences (in the end our own lives) will be handled by artificial intelligence increasingly sophisticated and pervasive?

leave the question open, as it would take me too far from the intentions of this review.


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