Thursday, March 29, 2007

Color Rings Baby Walker

WAS ADDICTED TO THE INTERNET AND DO NOT KNOW: Some thoughts on information overload on the Web.

This post would have had to deal with the book "Free culture" of Lawrence Lessig.
two weeks I've been on that comment. I started well, it was decided to express my opinion on the 15 pages I had read the book and add a reference to a few more item. I wanted to settle for comment about the highlights and nothing else. But time was passing and each time I put my head on the computer was always beyond, every word is an idea, every idea a new search, new standards and new information. I started to develop the concept of culture and freedom and ended up in a whirlwind of information end: from the history of copyright to the confusion between art and philosophy, between form and content, "see" and "understand"

Without realizing it, I had thrown day surfing the Internet like a kangaroo between a web page and the other, cutting and pasting, meditating, developing and suffering, killing me to snuff, more lost than a castaway in the middle of the storm. I ended up really broken, fuming over his head and the frustration that the result of working all afternoon was, of course, a comment-Frankenstein unfinished and presentable.

Well, I just heard I suffer from the EO . A INFORMATION OVERLOAD Addiction, addiction information overload. This type of syndrome linking the state of Internet addiction with the stress of information overload that above this technology has implanted in their nature. It treats the info-stress caused by a significant amount of information in a time not enough to "digest" to assimilate. It seems that the overload cause anxiety, inability to make decisions and even illness. In fact, the cognitive overload leads to paralysis of the information, "an inability to focus on information and make a decision.

food metaphor of "bad digestion" non is far from reality. Personally state of unrest in which there is a person subject to this syndrome, I remember the English Court when I buy a pair of shoes: from an almost unlimited variety of model I lose, I can not choose. I always end up going dizzy, happy just to stay with my old sneakers half destroyed.

According to Australian Neville Meyers, computer systems researcher the Queensland University , there are three identifiable types of Internet addicts, according to the way they manage traffic information:

n.1 Topology: The information Hunter syndrome (Indiana Jones);

n.2 Topology: the waiting to receive them (Madame Bovary syndrome);

Topology n.3, which goes to advance the dialogue with them (Diogenes syndrome).

Interestingly, these three topologies are not necessarily far from each other. Backwards. From personal experience I can shoot me an afternoon alternating obsessively reading blogs and newspapers online with a review email continued, accumulating while pages in Word on the desktop, always convinced that "the will consult later because now I have time."

Possible solutions to the problem info-stress, Meyers education hypothesizes a different media, such as deciding not to connect to the Internet after some time . Just parer is the American sociologist Michael Schudson, who theorizes the paradigm shift from the abstract idea of \u200b\u200b"informed citizen", in which the citizen must be informed about anything for rationally participate in public life, the "informational city" ("monotorial citizen"), you have to scan the surrounding environment, avoiding cognitive overload, and be ready to be activated only when their intervention is relevant and effective. To develop the ability and competence to navigate, Schudson presupposes a class of professionals "info-nautical" that could help the city develop its own selective and elective functions.

The philosopher Pierre Levy said: "The first flood was water, the second is the flood of information. " In fact the problem is serious. According to IDC statistics institute ( ) in 2006 alone there have been 161 exbyte digital information (the "exabyte is a unit of measurement indicating billion gigabyte .) It's a monstrous amount of data. Fold three million times all the books ever written in human history, twelve stacks of Earth to the Sun If you continue with this pace, it is estimated that by 2010 there will be nearly 1000 exabyte of digital information. With that amount of data, industry to manage file systems and data transmission will take an increasingly more important. There is a case that Google is developing a management service for data traffic between universities. We have reached the point that we must continually invent new units of measurement to define the greatest thing: behind the "exabytes" and started using "zettabytes" (100 billion gigabyte "and" yottabyte "(100 thousand million million gigabyte).

A see the end just wondering to where it will end the contemporary man that creative attitude, the gigantism of new Prometheus who climbs to the stars without stopping to reflect that he is doing and where you want to go .... hole over the compass in my head starts to spin. Well, better stop here, think I found a quiet little island in the network. A time can be learned to relax and put the word "end."

to the next wave of bytes.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Does Having Sewn In Hair Extensions Smell

Speaking of culture ... can? Artelista

On entering the stage of putting the project I did track my online habits, and purpose of culture I found opportunities that previously doubted, for example, that a group of people to sign a manifesto for change or create a law and that this will have global impact as in the case of amazoniaparasempre ... the truth gives me an idea and is not cultures. Tradition and innovation come together and it is possible to recover something that can be lost due to lack of information. Laura Rojas

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Diagram Head Engaged Pregnancy

channel launches Creative Commons

Artelista just launched a channel on which shows free songs, mostly with Creative Commons license. It's called free Artelista

Curious that in this blog have talked of creative commons and of ARTEL, but it never occurred to us to combine ... sometimes it is simply to combine concepts for something new (or at least with media impact, which is what is getting Artelista, plus a good service) Good for Artelista

, and the adoption growing Creative Commons by private companies (as the public authorities seem to care only for meeting the demands of the SGAE)

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Congratulation Engagement Cards

Riding the long tail. Internet Music

comment on the article "The Long Tail" by Chris Anderson.

The engine of this article is without doubt the imagination. The ability to imagine the possibilities of Internet commerce by establishing an alternative system on the current chain of production-distribution-consumption of cultural material. Anderson is able to overturn the paradigm governing the culture industry today, where "only the big successes deserve to exist" in an idea from my point of view revolutionary for any product there is a hearing, for whatever limited somewhere in the world. It is the discovery of a new market, a typology of groups that "enters the bottom of the catalog, along the list of titles available. "

From this case, the author's address should be structured in a series of oppositions and explore the consequences at various levels (economic, political, philosophical).

limits industry majors are evident at the time which will be faced with technology Internet Network. Compared to the concept of web space, current market culture, based on the philosophy of "least common denominator", the ideal product for the masses, reveals inefficient distribution limits. It is an economic system that needs a critical mass of audience, a place to put material and store displays and having a limited range.

The analysis reveals that Anderson is actually the current trade is a world of scarcity, in which only 20% of production have been big hits, the only that move the market. Everything that is outside of that fifth of the market of multinational entertainment is a long line of products ("the long tail").

But each Again this concept "elitist" is being overcome, considering that companies are becoming aware of the immense amount of products that can be sold. For example, estimates that the potential market for books is twice as large as it seems. In fact, most successful businesses that have been mounted on the Internet concerning the aggregation of contents in "The long tail" in the case of eBay, the exchange of goods out of print or exclusive is an important part of its market.

However, the concept of Anderson moves into territory that goes beyond the factor economic and could be considered as a consequence of the logic inherent within his speech. For him the root cause of elitism is the industry "does not really know what people want, why are we not to know exactly what we want." Given that the Internet no matter where customers are, to the point that no matter what you seek, the most important thing now is that the cultural industry guide assumes the role of "benevolent" and has as objective to help the consumers to "get off the long tail"

"The big trade of the long tail may lead to consumer into the unknown, through a journey of exploration with the evaluation method of feedback. "

With the evaluation system after feedback (consumer response to product tabled), exchange of experiences (the communities) and real-time recommendations, it appears that the basic issue of the philosophy of Socrates, "Know thyself", has found a structure in which the more developed so widely as possible.

"The more people search the catalog, the more you'll like what you find," says Anderson. Will we be able to take advantage of this new era of commercial and cultural paradigm? Or, from another point of view, we shall control up to limits our tastes and our experiences (in the end our own lives) will be handled by artificial intelligence increasingly sophisticated and pervasive?

leave the question open, as it would take me too far from the intentions of this review.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Leather Bracelets Engave

Someone comes and tells me of an excellent band Uruguayan "candle sow." I wonder if he has a record that I pay. Tell me who walks with some issues your MP3s, listen and think whether or not downloading on my computer. What should I do? I put the candle sow in google and ... see your page. Very nice, very stylish, good design, demos of the songs of records, letters, calendar presentations everywhere (none in Chile). I hear the first 20 seconds that I offer on your page and I think they really are good. Then I open emule and search for the name of the band, I get two archives of two albums of them. Obviously, the low, the next day and are the Incoming folder, the decompress and get a message in readme. Something like support your band and go see them live. I listen to albums in winamp and now. They are so very good, they deserve to be in a cd audio. Not an MP3 where you can come up with anything. No, they deserve an audio cd, one of those that one actually sits to hear and can be played on any audio equipment.

This happens in Santiago de Chile in April 2005. The band's cd I lost it, sure I lent it to a colleague over there and stayed with him or until I dropped the backpack. An original cd is not lost as easily. The thing is that a good number of friends could enjoy this Uruguayan band has never played in Santiago.

Spend time in 2006 I come to Europe, I'm walking by August 1 Berlin and see a poster on the wall. "candle sow" in the SO 36. I tell myself that I can not lose and of course I'm there on time at the entrance trying not to pay the entrance fee but there case, the Germans are inflexible in that (there is also the paranoia over there that if you emule download many things for the program or whatever, are those of an X police to your house and take your hard drive, so far not proven, nor have I heard of anyone but if you think they are heavy with intellectual property .) The thing is that the concert was the shit, and never enjoy the songs of sailing, obviously, I knew all memory disks and had never spent a weight in them. A conversation out there with the band members tell them as I knew and how much I had liked their music live. I commented that I have their albums in mp3, that had fallen over the Internet. They very good vibes are grateful for the conversation and the fervor with which they saw me dancing on stage. I can only thank you for all the time I enjoyed your music. If you can not find the disc from someone, and you're so low, but if you go see him live, go. I ended up inviting a few beers in the bar opposite and I proposed by Berlin places to go and shop around. I hope ever to see them in Montevideo, where they ensure that do their best concerts.

Flash Damages In Babys

humans: Technology for the destruction

what can we do? is that all ... all technology, from the femur used as a club to the ARPA project. Almost all the technological advances are due to a military effort: aviation (to bomb), radios and telephones (for communication between armies), advances in chemistry, optics. Bueh: " I decided to love this world as it is. By adopting this attitude I have a very clear feeling better understand that if you criticize or her denounced " Pierre Levy. by a man in his feelings because we are drowning claims and better know what kind of species we know how to stay afloat. I think it's largely useless just complain about cliches as the mercantilist desire creations because it is clear that arms company is much more lucrative than the liberation of man and we know that the world moves by ethical evolution. Can we expect technology to free us in any way? A good road network is certainly awash in information: the large print. If at any time was the " Whole Earth Catalog "to learn to make bombs or to cook a good pot pie now technological change gives us the same thing but in different ways: one example is the page that offers its visitors and creators (the same) that go up the things that they know that others do.

what way has the technology for free?, It has the literature and general knowledge, so if technology makes through the network is ponernosla easier. Search brings us closer, information was provided but we can now find in less than a minute (without the info does not appear within 20 seconds looking elsewhere).

But of course, big buts:

According Internet World Stats, updated in 2004, of the 785 million Internet connected, almost 70% live in industrialized countries, home to 15% of the population. While Europe and the United States added 450 million users throughout the African continent there are only 4. (Source wikipedia DIGITAL DIVIDE). not personally know anyone who does not have email, but the only thing that makes me think is that this planet is too large and heavy load makes me speak of the liberation of man if we are charged to half the population without access to the network. Neither the network nor removes hunger droughts.

is no answer but a question oppositional before going to bed never hurts.


Thursday, March 8, 2007

Yg Entertainment Audition 2010 December

A judge rules in favor of the Metropol bar owner, sued by the General Society of Authors ...
rest of the news.

Monday, March 5, 2007

How To Wash Headbands

Things Web 2.0 creative commons Cultural Enterprises Guatemala

Watch this video, explains very well what is the web 2.0

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Brazilian Wax Hegre Art

Interesting initiative that combines development, culture and new technologies: cultural incubator in Guatemala

The initiative is promoted by the web of intercom group dedicated to promoting initiatives that require third-party sponsorship.