Thursday, December 30, 2010

Which Material Absorbs The Most Heat?

Shouts and whistles the

Within a few hours (and a year), the laths of 99% of women will plummet to the delight of men and companies living tissues of the cries of arrpentimiento. This decline has a particular reason: a year comes to an end, like the loyalty of many couples. It's New Year's Eve.

The only missing 24 hours while I write this, I'm sure everyone will have a plan, and those who do not have it will be because either going to be wandering the streets (bad idea), stay at home (not such a bad idea) or because the lack of fixation hair has left you without friends (you deserve it). For those who have a plan, it is normal to be excited and hopeful that everything will be fine, will link the alcohol stick us begin, then the year with the best foot possible. However, the truth is that all New Year celebrations are the same:

· House by a friend: the end you have convinced a friend to hold a New Year's Eve at home. Breaking the barrier of poverty, reaching a MACH3 conseguis alcoholic, will be the last (and perhaps first) instead of year-cheap drink something. Call a bunch of buddies and colleagues (note the distinction, because colleagues will bring to people who do not know and have gone arrepintiéndoos of inviting them, unless they bring WOMEN), underage girls and I are preparing to do an incredible party hard: no one to talk to anyone until after the chimes you begin to drink and everyone is friendly and nobody notices that actually in the house there is nothing to do and everything is a trap to eat mouths indiscriminately.

just with friend ... host regretting having invited because you may go without cleaning all crap, and every step you stick the feet to the ground. Not to mention the vomit and cum in her parents' bed.

· Disco: After mourn save your parents, I have given more than 40 euros it costs to entry into any nightclub on New Years Eve. The night promises overblown name DJs, open bar, the hope of meeting aunts arranged for one night you do not stare in disgust ... and yet you never stop to think what this really ends, that the 2 am is no alcohol, rock sticking, the need to save a friend of coma and bring him home because taxis or want to, Liard with an aunt and when you lose your concentration is going to the bathroom with another guy, etc. .

just ... hopefully you cagándote in God for having spent so much dough to catch and have no hangover. Without it, a couple of bruises on his face and the drinking of a friend in the suit jacket Zara thought back to Day 3.

· Concert / rave : You take all year to be alternative (or not), so the last day can not be less. Fucking in clubs and other events that the status quo used to enslave the minds of youth more Panfilo, and head to your nearest festival or concert. Good music makes you move again, and do not need to buy Ripple ice because cold weather is enough. Furthermore aunts around here are your scene and that should make things easier. But there's something you may have forgotten other years: groups that touch you've seen a thousand times, Ripple is a horrible drink special medium for a day like New Year and the worst, what your brain trying to remember every day: your aunts roll are ugly, and since all have the bar low you could have gone to a nightclub for the lags. Next year will be.

you just ... at 2 pm on January 1 in an open so-called camping area surrounded by punks calimocho drinking glass, while waiting with very cold to someone you know she will miss the shit him to go home.

Anyway big boys and girls, that's all. Remember that it is a day when everyone wants to have fun, so try to avoid hard feelings and do not drink too much, if you have need to be drunk to link yourselves with the drunks, your friends will thank you. And if you do not believe in God do it for Oscar: do not do 12 shots instead of 12 grapes: Do not want the first thing you do in 2011 is Potar.

Sorry if my entry has been too long. Perhaps this 2011 update more, if my brain animates a Poquet. A hug and happy 2011 to everyone.


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