Wednesday, April 11, 2007

March Of Welcome Salieri Sheet Music

... or perhaps better said, the dangers of government when they get out of IT: 20,000

personal data of members of CC OO, given because of P2P

The news is from El Pais newspaper that also has cloth is how the news sometimes. Headlines read this headline:

"CCOO data shows 20,000 members by misusing the eMule"

interior in the news, the headline has changed to that:

"20,000 personal data of members of CCOO, the view because of P2P "

And I think that the two owners can not have written the same journalist. The first, the cover story, says what has happened: it has been misused eMule, because first of all, security, network of an organization dealing with databases of people and should not be allowed to use the program.

The second headline, the news of the interior, is handling (or ignorance) total. It you manage and SO SO bad your union, your workers are set to use the emulator as you work, and of course, as the system administrator so should be using (either directly, not hit once) because it is going and not short access to programs like emule.

Whose fault is it? P2P, of course. I think a headline detestable, especially coming from a newspaper like The Guardian. If an employee had stolen the database threatening with a gun, what would said El Pais? This:

"20,000 personal data of members of CC OO, in view of a gun because"


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