Monday, September 13, 2010

Getting Sick Often = Aids?

españolitos can not write "rape" without "Zion"

To keep the pace and finally start the second season mariposcar effect (which will have more grace than the last 3 of How I Met Your Mother together), today I come to tell you something that I thought he never confessed. My psychologist says I'll feel better if I tell you ... the times I've been sexually assaulted in Metrovalencia:

rogue Grandpa: After returning from holiday at about 5 am, was sitting alone and half asleep, practicing the hobby of anyone on the subway who has run the batteries mp3: look left and right at intervals of ten seconds. In one of these moments, so far a nice grandpa who was a 3 bank on my left me she gestured me over with his hand. I turned instantly to the right, pretending to have seen nothing. But curiosity killed the cat, and looked again. The grandfather was a bank close by repeating the gesture. After doing this twice, finished in front of me, licking his lips and looking at me with a lust Torbe would shudder. In the end, got in Torrent, but as he got up he said, do you come from? To which I said no. The bastard even told me: you're missing.

should have fallen and robbery.

The Bearded Lady: The other day while I was reading and listening music, a very nice girl (fat) sat next to me. I started to rub his thigh with his hand in an attempt to disguise it was a tragedy. I realized instantly, but left my eyes on the book, hoping to stop. Then I touched his arm, to which I took off my helmet and asked if I had hurt the tattoo. I said no because it is a more defensive response itself, and as I turned to put the helmet scratched me again telling me that it wanted to tattoo. Then, before leaving, I started playing the hair and called me GUAPO. I, stunned, I replied: What?! what I said again: You're very pretty. He got out and so far, fortunately, I know nothing of it.

The good listener: Last year, one day I decided to wear a plaid shirt in every color possible, very clown micolor. While riding on the subway Facultats, a guy put me behind my back, almost touching chives. Then I started thinking that he was gay and was like rubbing a sack, but it was a bizarre idea that I rejected and laughed. The boy had misunderstood it, because then pulled over her mound against my bum. To undo the mess, I went to the other side of the metro, and the kid followed me to keep rubbing. Yes, I stood face, and then put his lips dangerously close to mine.

The Mature interesting too Facultats meter, while watching the faces of the people of the realm of the metro, I saw a mother. At the moment our eyes met, I blew a kiss and winked. Not believing the situation and addressed by the awkwardness, looked away. At 15 seconds I looked, and she repeated the gesture. Thank God thereupon kept repeating the gesture to the ground, and I realized that this poor woman had a tic.

hope I never have to write more tickets how are you: (

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Best Pickup Truck For Fule

The pseudofotógrafas

In recent years, a word is transmitted directly from the mouths of our grandmothers to our own, skipping a generation (such as baldness or the twins, perhaps worse than both together): the modernor . In this world where every god is more or less modern, is a subspecies that irks me in particular: the pseudofotógrafas.

all know someone. In fact, we all know at least five. Are girls (boys learn to play guitar) between 16 and 23 years after understanding that some images of everyday life are too sublime to appreciate others (there is nothing more beautiful than the talk of your friends) decided to buy a camera to capture everything that had to teach the world.

Most want an SLR, which is basically an expensive camera that can focus manually, but most times in automatic fire (which, if someone come after me, is contrary to need a reflex). His parents, still disappointed with his son, who only knows how to play Smells like teen spirit with guitar and amp kit that gave him two Christmases ago, may reject our poor friend buy it and finish with a ordinary digital camera ( Fortunately or unfortunately, this did not slow down, be a bad photographer is not inherent in its class), or perhaps accept once again be the innocent patrons of adolescent creativity of their children.

technological finesse Once you have your hand, make a photo finish. After going to take pictures to your garden (terrace, where you do not have), the friends who offered (and are left to paint a lot of hills) and the hiding place to mourn. Once you are at home with the memory card full of art comes into play, the true creative process, the most important of all photographic activity. The PHOTOSHOP.

Although many say they do not use it (lie) and / or those unable to use it (truth), do not despise their knowledge. With what little they have taught her new friends from flickr, a photo can become as mediocre as this a personal view of the need to overcome this shame as or even a revelation written in Helvetica as that heads this post.

already completed the process, up to shift network and label all its Superfriends to celebrate together once more the art and beauty that are invisible to the eye. Four or five months later, events will offer its fotoservicios tuenti where in exchange for money, you only get people without money to buy an SLR and take the photos themselves. Hopefully, get bored of all this crap a few years and without it, little by little will deserve the title of "photographer" who has put in their photos from their inception in 2004, but people only call to make photos while they hit the party. A further demonstration that our society is increasingly using the eyes and under the criteria. a hug.