Monday, January 4, 2010

Mini Taken Episodes Watch Free

In these early days of 2010 become many things, like the typical jokes JAJA NO seen you since LAST YEAR or aim to lose weight, learn to do something or drink less (which is a great excuse to stop vomiting New Year's Eve if you're 15 years). And I'm not going to be less, so these are my resolutions for 2010 (which by the way, I'll invent as you type):
· Hate fewer people than last year . We all know people who just falling from evil. The problem is that I either would not thank me, make me laugh with his own show or at least minimal intelligence usually falls to me as the ass, I usually cross mediocre person and all that stuff. So this year try to learn to accept that if everyone Molara as I am, therefore I would be cool.
• Be more consistent and accountable. In the race, on the blog and weight loss would not hurt, but when I'm happy as a pig. Also try to spend more time with the family (but input fuck is this colleague)
· Bring a healthy love life. Now that I have a girlfriend chachiguachi, things would take care and try to last a long time with her. And if this fails, the last thing you should do is put an end to ill-treat so as to end liao with girls 5 years younger than me, exes still worse than the latter and so on.
· Make thousand of those things then you remember. Go to groez , a trip to rak, parties hard, definitely become a magician, rockstar, dj or 3 things at once, keep doing it.
that topicazos colleague. Happy 2010 to todous.


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