Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Popcorn And Gastritis

Valencia All Stars

Sometimes in my blog I talk about people who do not know, normal people, with a status means (sometimes even higher) and of course, will never achieve what Unamuno baptized life as fame. However, the city that most of my readers will live or kick often swarming a cast of wacky characters, victims of the crisis, Obama and condoms 2euro of Squire. People who, despite not having any money to Steinburg, will be remembered even years after his death. Anonymous, hairy and strange, they are the Valencia All Stars Homeless.
1. The heavy with cap del Carmen. Omnipresent and bearded, a glass of Jesus Christ of empty Coca-Cola is known throughout the world has been more than 5 minutes in Valencia. Approaches you with a glass in hand and repeat a former oath, something like good night hello please look at but would have no one comes out five centimitos please charity. Shake your paper cup and get a few coins. I mean that receives them, because if you give him nothing curse with insults and Zape Zipi own than anything else in plan will jerk! We must see that little shame!, and so on. It's annoying because it asks too much, really is impossible not to cross on a fucking night.
2. The dog albino rastudo Plaza Spain. This is to buenrroller , will have twenties and rather than look for a gigs or at least sell their beers as they do colleagues combed Diverdrak sitting in front of a piece of cardboard that reads We Hunger. have mimicked their peers from across the Mercadona the complement of the Neapolitan Pink small tray, each at a premium in the sector. Your dog is beautiful. But then I see him around holidays, so so poor that it is safe!
3. The woman in front of Burger King's Hall. This woman has charisma, unlike the other two mentioned above, because of his silence and abstraction, may be asking both the City and in the 5th Avenue. It has an incredible stamina to throw a thousand hours of standing in front of Burger King (perhaps is doped to consum energy drink) until someone comes very very good (on one occasion, I went) and buys a menu of three euros.
4. The penitent Moratín street. This has been added by popular demand, God forbid by habérseme forgotten. It's a turkey that is kneeling next to a traffic signal facing what could be the Mecca or the Post Office building, often with a carton of sangria to the side and hands raised in prayer. Pray, pray, my friend, that the rock is going to buy shit popland sure is very supportive.
fuck oscar, you Nazi.


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