Saturday, August 15, 2009

Walldurn German Candle

Overcoming a break (and not get fat in the attempt)

Satan, placating and illogical in its task of filling the world of bad things, has spawned a whole string of great misfortunes that make us mourn and jurarnos ourselves that never again fall into them , and then have to shut up the fuck up: the telet , the minors, the flavors Aquarius chung and, above all, the breaks.
And see if it turns the life I have played two breaks in less than a month. The average human being would have already committed suicide (or threatened to do so in a vague attempt to attract attention), but I, I proclaimed responsible for writing a guide for post-adolescent life in this decade of shit, no. So if your friends are not connected to the messenger, Oscar is here to help:
· Feel stupid. worth it or not the penalty is not going to cry again because a bag (the relationships are not the Pokemon movie), so do yourself to understand it's a silly concern. Play Blink 182 , and other grupejos NUFAN will make you realize that the ruptures, far from being a national problem, are a music industry. When you think that songs with lyrics generic and Violins Ontario or tell your situation perfectly, I feel so disgustingly young 'll stop being sad just to give you no pain.
Do not try to talk to her like your friend. It is not. The talks will result in all things healthy and I miss you , not know how much I love you and shit stick at this point, you will not be used for anything other than embajonarte. You'll wish you would have never known not only to make her laugh again and was interested in your world (oops). But yes you should talk to her once a week or so with the sole aim to convince you that no conversation and not worth the trouble. Let
· be. I guess no one who reads this will be so psychotic to do these things, but do not even think everything he does research online, tell him to stay, plantarte at home, send messages, burn the mailbox, or to arrange an appointment in the Journal of Patricia and if she rejects you, kill her. This will never make her think THAT MONKEY AY THAT IS LOOKING FOR ME I WILL GO BACK WITH HIM, but you have no fucking life and that You disgust. It's true.
· If all else fails, hate. Here you only going to take care of, the rest of the world, as much a concern, but what I mean by this topic so horrible is that if you're so fucked that need, do not hesitate even once more: learn to hate their flaws and eventually, their virtues, you realize that he has played against all your expectations, all whores, and so on . A bit of misogyny in time could save you enough lows. As a recommendation literary About Love, women and death .
In summary, colleague has, turn the page. Breaks to try to paint as stupid and easy is the most hypocritical thing I've written here, and I even believe a blog that recommends the kebabs as top of the food pyramid. Miss someone you I've thrown talking for hours, have learned to appreciate the details you've been stupid and engage a little in his life is normal in the world. And it will be healthy in a few months, rather than mourn to remember, smile. a big hug.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Pokemon Deluge Cheat 2010

The TV, plain and simple

Have you noticed how arrogant it is when someone says the phrase "sorry, I'm not watching TV? I do. But although almost all other cases would hate to agree with the damn liberals that as soon as a Patriots will paint their faces when he wins the selection, it must take up the cudgels on their behalf: television today sucks. Gone are the golden 90 where the match was not televised from La Noria Where Are You Heart, but the twins from Sweet Valley against A Girl Rush or Partners Against Journalists. What are today turning on the TV?
Tomorrow • Programs for children. Series trying to teach values \u200b\u200bsuch as minimal Punky Brewster ( just say NO!) Or made us laugh and mourn as COOO house (by the side had dibujero La Banda del Patio, Marsupilami, Doug and many others) have given way to a whole string of abortions creative 3D Power Interdimensional travelers Rangers (Suck that, string theory!) And shit for our children to grow up with the sole desire to be the most voted in votamicuerpo.
Mediatarde · Movies desktop. An entire industry faces battered women and people from former Soviet republics playing immigrants pursue the American dream feed programming on Saturday afternoons and Sundays, filling our naps or family gatherings of abduction, rape or couples escape a newly discovered heavenly places where terrible secrets. Note to self: talk about this in the future.
afternoon · Talk shows. Programs where "people" ordinary (or mediocre purgeable read it as you like) will have the moves with your children or neighbors to get home then to the problem be accentuated (if my mother program leads to some of those do not talk for months). Special mention asshole, transgender , gold singles, ciberparejas , etc. . The presenters are usually powerful, and really gets me that are as daughters of bitches to laugh at people's problems.
Night · The English series. Perhaps the so sad of all, if it were not for the producers strive to imbue castizo folklorism series in any case had not been good. If someone identifies himself with My Adorable Neighbors, Hannah and the Seven, Los Hombres de Paco, and without wishing to sound xenophobic, please, out of my country.
All day · Programmes and sporting heart. While American television exerts its function to make people want to look like their famosillos, here we are taught to hate on what we may become if we're casting some big brother: people who have not known office, characters per se and bizarre many other nemesis of the increasingly scarce half a brain will throw shit at each other. As for sport, multi-billion dollar millionaires to transfers of less fortunate. Ecce homo.
Miscellaneous · Juan Imedio and Paz Padilla. And at this point is when everyone will say: but Oscar, you can not be impartial, hate the Andalusia and people room. And you will have reason, but if someone appreciates these people is that certainly does not deserve to live: where do children programs Andalusian singing and telling jokes Seville, series such terrible My Adorable Neighbors or Ala .. . dina! and what is worse, and Environment Journal. I'm not going to affect, look at the videos.
are still many things to deal with the telebiciom (as appeared written by youtube), but I've taken a thousand hours to write this (and do not know what I have suffered by having to search for videos of peace padilla) and except as desktop of the movies (which is separate to feed), I guess you will try every day with everything else. So please, I ask you to turn away slowly from the idiot box and not know what you did and has no grace bitch, best of Muchachada Nui is on youtube and everything else, Seriesyonkis. a hug.