Sunday, January 14, 2007

How Does International Colour Chart Helpa You

2007 edition

After months of inactivity on the blog, I write again to start the 2007 PhD course" Production and distribution of content management Internet culture ", I teach at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

This blog serves as a platform for ongoing support, with links to articles and presentations in class and students' own contributions. As far as possible, we will also publish news and other resources of interest always related to the field of digital culture.

The first readings of the course are:

1) Introduction to digital culture . An article based largely on my book Digital Culture , Charlie Gere. Provides support for the first class of course.

2) Information Rules, the first chapter. I recommend you copy and print a word too long to read on screen maybe. Read it and posted on the blog your own thoughts about the economic vision of the information presented by the authors. If you look at the blog, find the comments of the students last year.

See you in the next class, 29 Jan (22 remembered that there is no class)